1.
缘来如风
quiet
and
not
too
small,
can
you
have
a
meeting
with
the
wind?
【缘来如风】
2.
天上掉下个架子,让我从此骄傲起来
Not
everyone
can
attain
this
special
level,
only
a
few
can.
【天上掉下个架子】
3.
月光洒满我爱人的脸颊,那是我此生最美的画面
The
moon
is
the
most
beautiful
scenery
in
my
heart.
【月光洒满我爱人的脸颊】
4.
唇齿之间,藏匿一抹绚烂的微笑;眼底深处,掩藏一朵含蓄的花儿
Smiling
with
a
gorgeous
smile
and
hiding
a
subtle
flower
in
the
depths
of
the
eyes.
【藏匿一抹绚烂的微笑】
5.
和你一起走过的风景依然难忘,不知道是风景美,还是和你在一起的感觉好
The
scenery
we
walked
through
together
is
still
memorable,
don’t
know
if
it’s
a
beautiful
scenery
or
a
good
feeling
with
you.
【和你一起走过的风景】
6.
眼神中有阳光,心里语重心长
In
the
eyes,
there
is
sunshine,
in
the
heart,
there
is
a
sincere
and
profound
feeling.
【眼神中有阳光】
7.
手牵手,肩并肩,走过春夏秋冬,不离不弃
Hand
in
hand,
shoulder
to
shoulder,
walking
through
the
four
seasons,
never
leaving
each
other.
【手牵手,肩并肩】
8.
风吹起的衣角,藏不住我对你的思念
The
fluttering
hem
of
my
clothes
cannot
hide
my
thoughts
of
you.
【风吹起的衣角】
9.
印记撕裂了逝去的时光,而爱情在风中蔓延
The
imprint
tore
through
the
past
time,
while
love
spreads
in
the
wind.
【印记撕裂了逝去的时光】
10.
那时的我们相拥在秋天的树下,多温暖啊!
We
embraced
under
the
autumn
tree,
how
warm
it
was!【相拥在秋天的树下】
11.
黑白镜头里的青春岁月,怎么就那样清晰呢?
The
youthful
years
in
black
and
white
lenses,
why
are
they
so
clear?【黑白镜头里的青春岁月】
12.
看风景,看蓝天,看心情
The
scenery,
the
blue
sky,
and
my
mood.
【看风景,看蓝天,看心情】
13.
南风不竞,时光静好,只有我们相依相随
The
southern
wind
is
not
competing,
the
time
is
quiet,
only
we
depend
on
each
other.
【南风不竞】
14.
世界这么浩大,为什么偏偏选择遇见你呢?
The
world
is
so
vast,
why
did
happen
to
meet
you?【世界这么浩大】
15.
淡淡的青烟,缕缕的思念,串起了心底最柔软的情怀
The
faint
blue
smoke,
the
lingering
thoughts,
stringing
together
the
softest
feelings
in
the
heart.
【淡淡的青烟】
16.
啤酒喝完,余香不散。
爱情开始了,余情难舍
The
beer
is
finished,
the
fragrance
remains.
Love
begins,
and
the
lingering
affection
is
hard
to
give
up.
【余香不散】
17.
夜色渐深,思念涌上心头
The
night
deepens,
and
missing
surges
in
my
heart.
【夜色渐深】
18.
漠漠岁月,只要有你相伴
The
years
are
desolate,
as
long
as
you
accompany
me.
【漠漠岁月】
19.
呐喊回荡,在无边的红尘里;爱恋罗曼,在一个人的世界里
The
shouting
echoes
in
the
boundless
world;
romance
hides
in
a
person's
world.
【呐喊回荡,爱恋罗曼】
20.
品味这滋味,让人不由自主地想起你
The
taste
makes
people
unconsciously
think
of
you.
【品味这滋味】