1.
The
sea
is
a
mirror,
reflecting
the
sky
and
our
dreams.
【海洋仿佛一面镜子,映射着天空和我们的梦想。
】
2.
The
breeze
sings
a
melody,
guiding
our
ship
through
the
endless
waves.
【微风唱响旋律,引导着我们的船穿越无尽的海浪。
】
3.
Sailing
is
more
than
just
a
journey,
it's
a
dance
between
the
boat
and
the
sea.
【航行不仅仅是一次旅程,更是一场海船和大海之间的舞蹈。
】
4.
The
horizon
is
our
destination,
but
the
journey
is
what
makes
us
alive.
【地平线是我们的目的地,而旅程是让我们活着的原因。
】
5.
There's
a
kind
of
freedom
in
sailing
that
you
won't
find
anywhere
else.
【航行中有一种自由,在其他地方无法体验。
】
6.
The
sea
is
a
blank
canvas,
and
our
ship
is
the
brush
that
paints
our
adventures.
【海洋是一块空白的画布,我们的船是创造我们冒险的刷子。
】
7.
Sailing
is
not
just
a
way
to
travel,
it's
a
way
to
escape.
【航行不仅是旅行的方式,更是逃离的途径。
】
8.
When
the
wind
and
the
waves
cooperate,
sailing
becomes
poetry.
【当风和浪潮互相配合,航行变成了诗歌。
】
9.
The
sea
has
a
thousand
moods,
and
sailing
allows
us
to
experience
them
all.
【海洋有千种情绪,航行让我们体验到了它们。
】
10.
The
sound
of
water
against
the
hull
is
the
heartbeat
of
our
voyage.
【水声激起船身的敲打,成为我们航行的心跳声。
】
11.
Sailing
is
not
just
about
the
destination,
but
also
about
the
journey.
【航行不仅仅是关于目的地,还关乎旅途。
】
12.
The
sea
is
the
ultimate
therapist,
and
sailing
is
the
best
therapy.
【海洋是最好的心理医生,而航行是最好的疗愈。
】
13.
Sailing
is
the
perfect
combination
of
adventure
and
peace.
【航行是冒险和平静的完美结合。
】
14.
The
sea
is
never
still,
and
neither
is
sailing.
【海洋从不静止,航行也是如此。
】
15.
Sailing
takes
us
to
places
we
never
thought
we'd
go
and
shows
us
things
we
never
thought
we'd
see.
【航行带我们去了从未想过的地方,看到了未曾想到的事情。
】
16.
The
sea
reminds
us
of
our
insignificance,
and
sailing
reminds
us
of
our
strength.
【海洋提醒我们的渺小,而航行则彰显我们的力量。
】
17.
Sailing
is
not
a
hobby,
it's
a
lifestyle.
【航行不是一项嗜好,而是一种生活方式。
】
18.
The
sea
is
a
place
of
infinite
possibilities,
and
sailing
lets
us
explore
them.
【海洋是无限可能的所在,而航行让我们探索它们。
】
19.
Sailing
teaches
us
to
embrace
uncertainty
and
enjoy
the
journey.
【航行教会我们拥抱不确定性并享受旅程。
】
20.
The
sea
is
a
beautiful
chaos,
and
sailing
is
our
way
of
finding
order
within
it.
【海洋是美丽的混乱,而航行是我们在其中寻找秩序的方式。
】