1.
Burn
the
midnight
oil
to
achieve
your
dreams!
#加班加油#】
2.
Hard
work
is
the
key
to
success.
Keep
pushing
yourself!
#不辞辛劳#】
3.
Success
requires
dedication
and
persistence.
Keep
up
the
good
work!
#坚韧不拔#】
4.
Life
is
tough,
but
so
are
you.
Keep
putting
in
the
effort!
#锲而不舍#】
5.
Don't
give
up
when
the
going
gets
tough.
Keep
striving
for
greatness!
#不屈不挠#】
6.
Every
little
bit
of
hard
work
counts
towards
the
bigger
picture.
Keep
that
in
mind!
#脚踏实地#】
7.
When
you
feel
like
giving
up,
remember
why
you
started.
Keep
going!
#心中有梦#】
8.
The
journey
may
be
tough,
but
the
destination
is
worth
it.
Keep
striving!
#砥砺前行#】
9.
Success
is
not
handed
to
you,
it
is
earned
through
hard
work
and
perseverance.
Keep
pushing!
#前方的路#】
10.
Don't
be
afraid
to
fail,
it's
a
necessary
part
of
the
learning
process.
Keep
trying!
#挑战自我#】
11.
Great
achievements
come
from
hard
work
and
dedication.
Keep
hustling!
#拼搏成就梦#】
12.
The
harder
you
work,
the
luckier
you
get.
Keep
grinding!
#付出终有回报#】
13.
Success
is
not
a
one-time
effort,
it's
a
daily
habit.
Keep
hustling!
#锲而不舍#】
14.
Keep
putting
in
the
hours
and
the
results
will
show.
Keep
at
it!
#一分耕耘一分收获#】
15.
Good
things
come
to
those
who
work
hard
and
never
give
up.
Keep
striving!
#勤劳致富#】
16.
Rome
wasn't
built
in
a
day,
success
takes
time
and
effort.
Keep
building!
#点滴积累铸就辉煌#】
17.
There
is
no
substitute
for
hard
work.
Keep
pushing
yourself
to
new
heights!
#吃得苦中苦方为人上人#】
18.
Keep
your
focus
on
the
end
goal,
and
the
hard
work
will
be
worth
it.
Keep
hustling!
#心中有梦#】
19.
The
most
successful
people
are
the
ones
who
put
in
the
most
effort.
Keep
striving
for
greatness!
#勤奋致胜#】
20.
The
journey
may
be
difficult,
but
the
destination
is
worth
all
the
hard
work.
Keep
hustling!
#不断攀登,不断前行#】