1.
"爱情就像流水,无法被岁月固定住。
"】
2.
"The
ephemeral
nature
of
love
makes
it
impossible
to
be
captured
by
time.
"】
3.
"岁月无法改变爱情的本质,只能改变它的形态。
"】
4.
"Time
can't
alter
the
essence
of
love,
only
its
appearance.
"】
5.
"尽管时光无情,但爱情永远留在心间。
"】
6.
"Despite
the
ruthlessness
of
time,
love
always
resides
in
the
heart.
"】
7.
"爱情像脆弱的花朵,绝美而短暂。
"】
8.
"Love
is
like
a
fragile
flower,
breathtaking
yet
fleeting.
"】
9.
"岁月终会消磨情感的火焰,但留下的痕迹将永恒。
"】
10.
"Time
may
wear
away
the
flame
of
emotions,
but
the
traces
it
leaves
behind
will
last
forever.
"】
11.
"爱情不是被时间消耗,而是被心灵感召。
"】
12.
"Love
is
not
diminished
by
time,
but
rather
by
the
call
of
the
soul.
"】
13.
"在时光面前,爱情是一首美丽的旋律。
"】
14.
"In
the
face
of
time,
love
is
a
beautiful
melody.
"】
15.
"岁月的河流无法阻挡爱情的奔流。
"】
16.
"The
river
of
time
can
never
dam
the
flow
of
love.
"】
17.
"无论岁月如何更替,爱情依旧是人生最美的回忆。
"】
18.
"No
matter
how
time
changes,
love
remains
life's
most
beautiful
memory.
"】
19.
"爱情是时间中邂逅的奇迹,却又无法留存。
"】
20.
"Love
is
the
miraculous
encounter
within
time,
but
it
is
also
unable
to
be
preserved.
"】