1.
"The
earth
has
music
for
those
who
listen.
"
-
Shakespeare
【美丽的地球,拥有如此美妙的音乐】
2.
"In
every
walk
with
nature,
one
receives
far
more
than
he
seeks.
"
-
John
Muir
【走进自然,发现地球之美】
3.
"The
earth
laughs
in
flowers.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【地球在花中欢笑,微笑而美丽】
4.
"The
earth
is
what
we
all
have
in
common.
"
-
Wendell
Berry
【地球,我们共同的家园和责任】
5.
"The
sky
is
not
a
limit,
it
is
an
invitation.
"
-
Unknown
【地球之美,邀请我们思考、探索和保护】
6.
"The
earth
does
not
belong
to
us.
We
belong
to
the
earth.
"
-
Chief
Seattle
【我们要珍爱地球,因为我们与它相互依存】
7.
"Dear
Earth,
love
you.
promise
to
take
care
of
you.
"
-
Unknown
【地球啊,我爱你,我承诺会珍惜你】
8.
"The
beauty
of
the
natural
world
lies
in
the
details.
"
-
Natalie
Angier
【地球之美,藏于自然的细节之中】
9.
"Man
is
a
complex
being;
he
makes
deserts
bloom
and
lakes
die.
"
-
Gil
Stern
【我们要保护地球,因为我们也许是它最大的威胁】
10.
"The
earth
provides
enough
to
satisfy
every
man's
needs,
but
not
every
man's
greed.
"
-
Mahatma
Gandhi
【我们要保持理智,不要因贪婪毁约地球】
11.
"The
earth
is
a
fine
place
and
worth
fighting
for.
"
-
Ernest
Hemingway
【地球是值得我们坚守并为之奋斗的美丽之地】
12.
"The
earth
is
like
a
beautiful
woman,
who
needs
to
be
cherished
in
order
to
reveal
her
full
potential.
"
-
Unknown
【如同美丽女性一样,地球需要我们精心呵护,才能展现其全部潜力】
13.
"God
has
cared
for
these
trees,
saved
them
from
drought,
disease,
avalanches,
and
a
thousand
tempests
and
floods.
But
he
cannot
save
them
from
fools.
"
-
John
Muir
【我们要尊重自然,不要破坏地球的美好】
14.
"Nature
does
nothing
in
vain.
"
-
Aristotle
【自然的一切都有意义,地球的美丽也是如此】
15.
"We
do
not
inherit
the
Earth
from
our
ancestors,
we
borrow
it
from
our
children.
"
-
Native
American
Proverb
【我们并不会永远拥有地球,我们要好好保护它,让我们的后代也同样享有美丽的世界】
16.
"The
earth
is
what
made
us,
and
it's
what
we
depend
on.
"
-
Rachel
Carson
【地球让我们成为了今天的人,我们也要依靠地球生存】
17.
"We
need
the
tonic
of
wildness.
.
.
At
the
same
time
that
we
are
earnest
to
explore
and
learn
all
things,
we
require
that
all
things
be
mysterious
and
unexplorable,
that
land
and
sea
be
indefinitely
wild,
unsurveyed
and
unfathomed
by
us
because
unfathomable.
We
can
never
have
enough
of
nature.
"
-
Henry
David
Thoreau
【我们需要来自自然的活力,地球之美永远琳琅满目】
18.
"The
earth
is
a
canvas,
and
we
are
all
artists.
"
-
Unknown
【地球是画布,每个人都有责任为之添彩】
19.
"To
forget
how
to
dig
the
earth
and
to
tend
the
soil
is
to
forget
ourselves.
"
-
Mahatma
Gandhi
【保护地球,就是保护我们自己】
20.
"Sometimes
think
the
world
is
divided
into
those
who
have
a
comfortable
relationship
with
power
and
those
who
have
a
naturally
adversarial
relationship
with
power.
"
-
Arundhati
Roy
【我们需要成为地球的朋友,而不是它的敌人和掠夺者】