.jpg)
1.
Goodbye,
beautiful
Xiamen,
will
always
cherish
the
memories
we
made
together.
【感恩离别,珍爱回忆】
2.
Leaving
Xiamen
with
a
heavy
heart,
but
grateful
for
all
the
experiences
and
friendships
gained
here.
【怀着沉重的心情离开厦门,但感激在这里获得的全部经历和友谊】
3.
It's
hard
to
say
goodbye
to
a
place
that
has
become
my
second
home,
thank
you
Xiamen
for
the
warmth
and
hospitality.
【难以告别已成为我的第二故乡的地方,感谢厦门给予温暖和热情的款待】
4.
As
leave
Xiamen
behind,
realize
how
much
have
grown
and
learned
during
my
time
here.
【离开厦门,我意识到我在这里成长和学习了很多】
5.
The
people
and
places
encountered
in
Xiamen
will
forever
hold
a
special
place
in
my
heart.
【在厦门遇到的人和地方将永远占据我心中的特殊位置】
6.
Xiamen,
you
will
always
be
my
happy
place,
thank
you
for
the
laughter
and
joy.
【厦门,你永远是我的快乐之地,感谢你的笑声和欢乐】
7.
Departing
from
Xiamen,
feeling
grateful
for
the
adventures
and
memories
that
will
last
a
lifetime.
【告别厦门,感激这些将持续一生的冒险和回忆】
8.
Saying
goodbye
to
Xiamen
feels
like
leaving
a
part
of
me
behind,
but
know
the
memories
will
stay
with
me
forever.
【告别厦门感觉像离开了一部分我,但我知道这些回忆将永远与我同在】
9.
Xiamen,
you
have
been
such
a
vibrant
and
welcoming
city,
will
miss
you
dearly.
【厦门,你是一个充满活力和热情的城市,我将深深地想念你】
10.
My
time
in
Xiamen
has
been
unforgettable,
thank
you
for
the
beautiful
memories.
【我在厦门的时光难以忘怀,感谢这些美好的回忆】
11.
Leaving
Xiamen,
but
taking
with
me
the
lessons
learned
and
the
experiences
gained.
【离开厦门,带上所学和经验】
12.
Xiamen,
you
will
always
hold
a
special
place
in
my
heart,
until
we
meet
again.
【厦门,你将永远占据我心中的特殊位置,再见】
13.
Leaving
Xiamen
is
bittersweet,
but
am
excited
for
the
new
opportunities
and
adventures
that
await.
【离开厦门是甜蜜苦涩的,但我期待着新的机会和冒险】
14.
Goodbye
Xiamen,
thank
you
for
the
memories
and
the
lessons
that
will
stay
with
me
forever.
【再见厦门,感谢回忆和经验,他们将永远与我同在】
15.
It's
hard
to
believe
that
my
time
in
Xiamen
has
come
to
an
end,
but
am
grateful
for
the
friendships
that
will
last
a
lifetime.
【难以置信我的厦门时光已经结束,但我感激将持续一生的友谊】
16.
The
beauty
and
charm
of
Xiamen
will
stay
with
me
forever,
goodbye
for
now.
【厦门的美丽和魅力将永远与我同在,暂时再见】
17.
Saying
goodbye
to
Xiamen
is
not
easy,
but
am
grateful
for
all
the
memories
that
will
cherish.
【告别厦门不容易,但我感激所有将珍惜的记忆】
18.
Xiamen,
you
will
always
be
a
magical
place
in
my
heart,
thank
you
for
everything.
【厦门,你永远是我心中的魔幻之地,感谢你的一切】
19.
Leaving
Xiamen
with
mixed
emotions,
but
excited
for
the
unknown
journey
ahead.
【离开厦门时有喜有忧,但期待着前方的未知旅程】
20.
My
Xiamen
chapter
has
come
to
an
end,
but
am
excited
to
see
where
the
next
one
will
take
me.
【我的厦门篇章已经结束,但我很期待下一个篇章的走向】