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1.
Love
is
the
key
that
unlocks
the
heart's
deepest
desires.
【爱是打开心灵深处渴望的钥匙。
】
2.
Love
can
be
an
on
and
off
switch,
but
when
it's
on,
it
illuminates
everything
around
you.
【爱情有时像一个开关,但当它打开的时候,它可以照亮你周围的一切。
】
3.
True
love
is
not
a
switch
you
can
turn
on
or
off;
it's
a
flame
that
burns
forever.
【真爱不是你可以开关的,它是一团永不熄灭的火焰。
】
4.
The
love
switch
may
be
out
of
our
control,
but
we
can
choose
to
love
fiercely
anyways.
【爱情的开关可能超出我们的控制,但我们仍然可以选择热烈地去爱。
】
5.
loving
heart
is
like
a
light
switch,
always
ready
to
brighten
someone's
day.
【一个充满爱的心就像一个灯光开关,总是准备着照亮别人的生活。
】
6.
The
switch
of
love
may
be
small
but
it
has
the
power
to
illuminate
the
entire
world.
【爱情的开关虽小但它有着点亮整个世界的力量。
】
7.
Love
is
like
a
light
switch,
once
turned
on,
can
never
be
truly
turned
off.
【爱情就像一个开关,一旦打开,就再也无法关闭。
】
8.
When
someone
turns
on
the
love
switch,
they
turn
on
the
light
in
your
heart.
【当别人打开了你的爱情开关,他们也同样点亮了你心房里的灯。
】
9.
Love
can
turn
the
switch
from
darkness
to
light,
from
sadness
to
happiness,
from
loneliness
to
companionship.
【爱可以让你从黑暗走向光明,从悲伤变成快乐,从孤独走向共享。
】
10.
Love
is
the
magic
that
turns
the
switch
on
in
our
heart
when
all
else
fails.
【当所有的办法都失败时,爱是点亮我们内心开关的魔法。
】
11.
Love
can
feel
like
a
switch,
turning
on
and
off,
but
true
love
is
the
switch
that
never
turns
off.
【爱情可能就像一个开关,有时候打开有时候又关闭,但真正的爱情是永不关闭的开关。
】
12.
The
switch
of
love
is
like
a
beacon,
leading
us
to
the
ones
who
will
love
us
for
who
we
are.
【爱的开关就像一个灯塔,引领我们找到那些真正珍爱我们的人。
】
13.
When
we
turn
off
the
switch
of
love,
we
are
left
in
darkness.
【当我们关闭爱情开关时,便会陷入黑暗中。
】
14.
Love
is
the
switch
that
turns
on
the
light
that
shines
through
the
darkness
of
our
sorrows.
【爱情是点亮我们悲伤中黑暗处的光芒的开关。
】
15.
The
switch
of
love
can
cause
our
hearts
to
race,
but
it
is
worth
the
risk.
【爱情开关可能会让我们的心跳加速,但冒险一试是值得的。
】
16.
Love
may
have
its
ups
and
downs,
but
as
long
as
we
keep
the
switch
on,
the
light
will
shine
through.
【爱情可能有起有伏,但只要我们坚守打开的开关,那盏灯便将照亮一生。
】
17.
The
switch
of
love
may
be
easy
to
turn
on,
but
it
takes
effort
to
keep
it
on.
【爱情开关很容易打开,但让它始终保持开启则需要不断的努力。
】
18.
As
long
as
the
switch
of
love
is
on,
we
can
weather
any
storm
that
comes
our
way.
【只要爱情开关打开着,我们就可以抵御所有风雨。
】
19.
Love
is
like
a
light
switch
that
can
turn
the
darkness
of
our
fears
into
the
brightness
of
our
hopes.
【爱情就像一盏开关,可以让我们的恐惧变为希望的光明。
】
20.
The
switch
of
love
is
the
greatest
power
we
possess;
it
can
transform
lives
and
bring
joy
to
the
world.
【爱情开关是我们所拥有的最大力量,它可以改变我们的生命,为这个世界带来欢乐。
】