1.
Trust
is
the
foundation
of
any
strong
relationship,
and
it
requires
responsibility
and
commitment
from
all
parties
involved.
【信托是任何强大关系的基石,需要所有相关方的责任和承诺。
】
2.
When
we
trust
someone,
we
are
giving
them
the
power
to
affect
our
emotions,
thoughts,
and
actions.
That's
why
trust
should
never
be
taken
lightly,
as
it
comes
with
great
responsibility.
【当我们相信某人时,我们给了他们影响我们情感,思想和行为的力量。
这就是为什么信任不应该轻视,因为它具有巨大的责任。
】
3.
Trusting
someone
means
letting
go
of
our
fears
and
insecurities,
and
opening
ourselves
to
new
experiences
and
possibilities.
It's
an
act
of
courage
and
vulnerability,
and
it
requires
responsibility
and
respect.
【相信某人意味着放下我们的恐惧和不安全感,打开我们自己的新经验和可能性。
这是一种勇气和脆弱的行为,它需要责任和尊重。
】
4.
Trust
is
like
a
delicate
flower
that
needs
to
be
nurtured
and
cared
for,
and
it
can
wither
and
die
if
not
tended
to
properly.
It
requires
constant
attention
and
effort
from
all
parties
involved.
【信任就像一朵需要被培养和照顾的娇嫩之花,如果没有得到适当的照料,它就会枯萎死亡。
它需要所有相关方的持续关注和努力。
】
5.
The
trust
between
two
people
is
like
a
bond
that
connects
their
hearts
and
souls,
and
it
can
only
be
strengthened
by
mutual
respect,
communication,
and
understanding.
【两个人之间的信任就像连接他们心灵和灵魂的纽带,它只能通过相互尊重,沟通和理解来加强。
】
6.
Trust
is
not
something
that
can
be
demanded
or
forced,
but
it
is
something
that
is
earned
through
actions
and
behaviors.
It
requires
consistent
honesty,
transparency,
and
accountability
from
all
parties
involved.
【信任不是可以要求或强迫的东西,但它是通过行动和行为获得的。
它需要所有相关方持续的诚实,透明和负责任。
】
7.
The
responsibility
of
maintaining
trust
lies
equally
on
both
parties
involved,
and
it
requires
a
willingness
to
listen,
understand,
and
compromise.
It
also
requires
a
commitment
to
do
what
is
right,
even
when
it
is
difficult
or
uncomfortable.
【维护信任的责任同样落在双方身上,它需要愿意倾听,理解和妥协。
它还需要承诺做正确的事情,即使这很困难或不舒服。
】
8.
Trust
is
built
over
time,
and
it
takes
patience,
consistency,
and
sincerity
to
establish
a
strong
foundation
for
any
relationship.
It
requires
a
willingness
to
forgive,
learn
from
mistakes,
and
move
forward
with
renewed
commitment
and
dedication.
【信任是随着时间建立的,它需要耐心,一致性和真诚来为任何关系建立一个坚实的基础。
它需要愿意原谅,从错误中学习并带着更新的承诺和奉献精神前进。
】
9.
Trust
is
a
gift
that
should
be
valued
and
cherished,
and
it
should
never
be
taken
for
granted.
It
requires
a
constant
effort
to
appreciate
and
acknowledge
the
trust
that
has
been
bestowed
upon
us.
【信任是一份应该被珍惜和珍视的礼物,它绝不能被视为理所当然。
它需要不断努力去欣赏和承认我们所受到的信任。
】
10.
The
weight
of
trust
is
heavy,
and
it
requires
a
strong
sense
of
responsibility
and
accountability.
It
means
being
truthful,
reliable,
and
dependable,
and
it
requires
a
willingness
to
take
ownership
of
our
actions
and
their
consequences.
【信任的重负沉重,它要求我们有强烈的责任和账户意识。
它意味着诚实,可靠和可信赖,并需要愿意承担我们的行为及其后果的责任。
】
11.
Trust
is
a
fragile
thing,
and
it
can
be
easily
broken
by
a
single
act
of
betrayal
or
dishonesty.
It
requires
a
constant
effort
to
repair
and
rebuild
trust
once
it
has
been
lost.
【信任是一种脆弱的东西,它很容易被一次背叛或不诚实的行动破坏。
一旦失去了信任,就需要不断努力去修复和重建。
】
12.
The
responsibility
of
trust
extends
beyond
personal
relationships,
and
it
applies
to
all
aspects
of
our
lives,
including
our
work,
community,
and
society.
It
requires
a
commitment
to
honesty,
fairness,
and
integrity
in
all
our
actions
and
decisions.
【信任的责任不仅限于个人关系,还涵盖了我们生活的所有方面,包括我们的工作,社区和社会。
在所有的行动和决策中,它需要对诚实,公正和诚信的承诺。
】
13.
Trust
is
a
two-way
street,
and
it
requires
a
mutual
exchange
of
respect,
understanding,
and
empathy.
It
also
requires
a
willingness
to
compromise
and
find
common
ground,
even
in
the
face
of
disagreements
or
conflicts.
【信任是双向的,它需要相互尊重,理解和同理心的交流。
即使面对分歧或冲突,它也需要妥协并找到共同点。
】
14.
The
responsibility
of
trust
requires
us
to
be
authentic
and
true
to
ourselves,
and
to
live
with
integrity
and
purpose.
It
means
being
accountable
for
our
actions
and
taking
responsibility
for
their
impact
on
others
and
the
world
around
us.
【信任的责任要求我们保持真实和坚守自己,以正直和目的地生活。
它意味着对我们的行为负责,并对其对他人和我们周围世界的影响负责。
】
15.
Trust
is
a
valuable
commodity,
and
it
should
be
protected
and
safeguarded
at
all
costs.
It
requires
a
constant
effort
to
uphold
the
values
and
principles
that
form
the
foundation
of
trust,
such
as
transparency,
accountability,
and
respect.
【信任是一种宝贵的资源,它应该被以所有代价保护和维护。
它需要持续不断地努力来维护信任的基础,如透明度,责任和尊重等价值观和原则。
】
16.
The
responsibility
of
trust
means
being
willing
to
speak
up
and
take
action
when
we
see
something
that
is
wrong
or
unjust.
It
requires
a
commitment
to
social
and
environmental
justice,
and
a
willingness
to
work
for
positive
change
in
our
communities
and
the
world.
【信任的责任意味着愿意在看到错误或不公平的时候站出来采取行动。
它需要致力于社会和环境正义,并愿意为我们的社区和世界带来积极变革而努力。
】
17.
Trust
is
the
foundation
of
a
healthy
and
happy
life,
and
it
requires
a
constant
effort
to
cultivate
and
nurture
our
relationships,
both
personal
and
professional.
It
requires
a
commitment
to
communication,
understanding,
and
empathy,
and
a
willingness
to
prioritize
the
needs
and
well-being
of
others.
【信任是健康和幸福生活的基础,它需要不断努力培育和培养我们的人际关系,无论是个人还是职业。
它需要坚定的沟通,理解和同理心,以及愿意优先考虑他人的需求和健康。
】
18.
The
responsibility
of
trust
means
being
willing
to
make
sacrifices
and
compromises
for
the
sake
of
the
greater
good.
It
requires
a
commitment
to
collaboration
and
teamwork,
and
a
willingness
to
put
aside
personal
interests
and
egos
for
the
benefit
of
others.
【信任的责任意味着愿意为更大的利益做出牺牲和妥协。
它需要致力于协作和团队合作,并愿意为了他人的利益而搁置个人利益和自我。
】
19.
Trust
is
a
fundamental
human
need,
and
it
is
essential
for
our
mental,
emotional,
and
physical
well-being.
It
requires
a
commitment
to
building
and
maintaining
healthy
relationships,
and
a
willingness
to
be
vulnerable
and
authentic
with
ourselves
and
others.
【信任是人类的基本需求,对我们的心理,情感和身体健康至关重要。
它需要致力于建立和保持健康的人际关系,愿意与我们自己和他人展示脆弱和真实的一面。
】
20.
The
responsibility
of
trust
requires
us
to
be
accountable
not
only
to
ourselves
and
our
relationships
but
also
to
our
broader
communities
and
the
world
at
large.
It
requires
a
commitment
to
social
responsibility
and
global
citizenship,
and
a
willingness
to
work
for
a
more
just
and
equitable
world.
【信任的责任要求我们不仅对自己和我们的人际关系负责,还要对更广泛的社区和世界负责。
它需要致力于社会责任和全球公民意识,以及愿意为一个更公正和平等的世界而努力。
】