.jpg)
1.
Love
is
like
a
hurricane,
and
I'd
rather
seek
shelter
than
get
caught
in
its
path.
【#avoidinglove】
2.
Sometimes,
the
best
way
to
dodge
love
is
by
staying
busy
with
work,
hobbies,
or
anything
that
keeps
you
focused
and
distracted.
【#loathlove】
3.
wear
my
heart
on
my
sleeve,
but
that
doesn't
mean
want
it
to
be
a
target
for
cupid's
arrows.
【#evadethoughts】
4.
When
love
knocks
at
my
door,
pretend
not
to
be
home
and
let
it
go
away.
【#ignorefeelings】
5.
prefer
solitude
over
love,
for
it's
easier
to
keep
my
heart
intact
that
way.
【#solitudeoverlove】
6.
Love
is
a
game
don't
want
to
play,
for
the
stakes
are
too
high
and
the
risks
are
too
great.
【#playittoosafe】
7.
The
best
way
to
dodge
love
is
to
not
even
give
it
a
chance
to
blossom.
【#dontstartwhatyoucantfinish】
8.
I've
been
hurt
by
love
before,
so
now
choose
to
steer
clear
of
any
potential
heartache.
【#traumatizedbylove】
9.
Some
people
are
addicted
to
love,
but
I'm
more
addicted
to
avoiding
it.
【#loveliketheplague】
10.
don't
need
love
to
be
happy,
for
can
find
joy
in
other
things
that
don't
bring
pain
or
heartache.
【#enjoylifesimplicity】
11.
Love
is
a
chaotic
force
that
disrupts
my
carefully
crafted
world,
and
cannot
afford
to
let
it
in.
【#seekorderindisorder】
12.
To
avoid
love
is
to
preserve
my
sanity
and
protect
my
heart
from
getting
shattered.
【#heartbreakprevention】
13.
Love
is
like
a
virus
that
infects
your
thoughts,
emotions,
and
actions,
and
prefer
to
avoid
it
at
all
costs.
【#loveisavirus】
14.
Sometimes,
the
best
way
to
dodge
love
is
by
being
honest
and
straightforward
with
your
feelings.
【#honestyisthebestpolicy】
15.
Love
is
like
a
trap
that
ensnares
you
and
doesn't
let
go,
so
I'd
rather
not
get
caught
in
it.
【#trapfortheunsuspecting】
16.
There
are
many
things
in
life
that
bring
happiness,
and
love
is
not
always
one
of
them.
【#happinesswithoutlove】
17.
To
dodge
love
is
to
be
in
control
of
your
emotions
and
decisions,
instead
of
being
at
the
mercy
of
someone
else's
whims
and
desires.
【#takeresponsibility】
18.
Love
is
a
game
of
chance,
and
I'm
not
willing
to
take
that
risk
when
the
odds
are
stacked
against
me.
【#nottakngachance】
19.
Sometimes,
saying
no
to
love
is
the
bravest
thing
you
can
do,
especially
when
it
goes
against
societal
norms
and
expectations.
【#nobraveryrequired】
20.
don't
need
love
to
define
me
or
give
my
life
meaning,
for
am
content
with
who
am
and
what
have.
【#contentmentwithoutlove】