.jpg)
1.
Life
is
a
roller
coaster,
it
has
its
ups
and
downs.
【上下起伏】
2.
Happiness
is
not
a
destination,
it’s
a
journey.
【幸福在于过程】
3.
Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
on
negativity.
【珍惜时光,远离负面】
4.
Success
is
the
result
of
hard
work
and
determination.
【成功源于努力和决心】
5.
The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
【唯有热情,方能创造伟业】
6.
You
are
the
architect
of
your
own
destiny.
【自己决定自己的命运】
7.
To
live
a
creative
life,
we
must
lose
our
fear
of
being
wrong.
【勇敢尝试,创造美好生活】
8.
Life
is
not
a
problem
to
be
solved,
but
a
reality
to
be
experienced.
【生活应当被体验,而非解决】
9.
Happiness
is
not
having
what
you
want,
but
wanting
what
you
have.
【不是拥有想要的,而是想要已有的】
10.
Life
is
like
a
camera,
focus
on
the
good
times,
develop
from
the
negatives.
【生活就像相机,专注美好,从困难中成长】
11.
Happiness
is
a
choice.
Choose
it
every
day.
【幸福是一种选择,每天都要选择】
12.
Cherish
the
moments
that
take
your
breath
away.
【珍惜那些令人窒息的时刻】
13.
Life
is
a
journey,
enjoy
the
ride.
【生活是一段旅程,尽情享受】
14.
Believe
you
can,
and
you’re
halfway
there.
【坚信自己能做到,成功已经近在眼前】
15.
Life
is
full
of
surprises.
Embrace
them
with
open
arms.
【生活充满惊喜,大方接纳】
16.
Be
the
change
you
wish
to
see
in
the
world.
【成为你希望看到的世界变革】
17.
Life
is
not
about
waiting
for
the
storm
to
pass,
it’s
about
learning
to
dance
in
the
rain.
【生活不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中跳舞】
18.
The
best
things
in
life
are
the
people
we
love,
the
places
we’ve
been,
and
the
memories
we’ve
made
along
the
way.
【生活的最美好之处,是我们所爱的人,经历过的地方以及沿途留下的记忆】
19.
Life
is
a
canvas,
paint
your
own
picture.
【生命如同画布,为自己画上美好】
20.
Dream
big,
work
hard,
stay
focused,
and
surround
yourself
with
good
people.
【心怀大梦,勤奋工作,保持专注,与优秀的人为伍】