.jpg)
1.
Love
is
patient,
love
is
kind.
It
does
not
envy,
it
does
not
boast,
it
is
not
proud.
【1
Corinthians
13:4】
2.
Above
all,
love
each
other
deeply,
because
love
covers
over
a
multitude
of
sins.
【1
Peter
4:8】
3.
There
is
no
fear
in
love.
But
perfect
love
drives
out
fear.
【1
John
4:18】
4.
Love
one
another
as
have
loved
you.
【John
15:12】
5.
And
now
these
three
remain:
faith,
hope,
and
love.
But
the
greatest
of
these
is
love.
【1
Corinthians
13:13】
6.
Be
completely
humble
and
gentle;
be
patient,
bearing
with
one
another
in
love.
【Ephesians
4:2】
7.
Let
the
morning
bring
me
word
of
your
unfailing
love.
【Psalm
143:8】
8.
Love
must
be
sincere.
Hate
what
is
evil;
cling
to
what
is
good.
【Romans
12:9】
9.
Let
all
that
you
do
be
done
in
love.
【1
Corinthians
16:14】
10.
Beloved,
let
us
love
one
another,
for
love
is
from
God.
【1
John
4:7】
11.
Above
all,
love
each
other
deeply,
because
love
covers
over
a
multitude
of
sins.
【James
5:20】
12.
Hatred
stirs
up
conflict,
but
love
covers
over
all
wrongs.
【Proverbs
10:12】
13.
friend
loves
at
all
times.
【Proverbs
17:17】
14.
Many
waters
cannot
quench
love;
rivers
cannot
wash
it
away.
【Song
of
Solomon
8:7】
15.
Let
love
and
faithfulness
never
leave
you.
【Proverbs
3:3】
16.
Perfect
love
drives
out
fear.
【1
John
4:18】
17.
God
is
love.
Whoever
lives
in
love
lives
in
God,
and
God
in
them.
【1
John
4:16】
18.
Love
does
no
harm
to
a
neighbor.
【Romans
13:10】
19.
Let
no
debt
remain
outstanding,
except
the
continuing
debt
to
love
one
another.
【Romans
13:8】
20.
There
is
only
one
lawgiver
and
judge,
the
one
who
is
able
to
save
and
destroy.
But
you
–
who
are
you
to
judge
your
neighbor?
【James
4:12】