1.
"Sometimes
the
best
way
to
save
yourself
is
by
putting
someone
else's
life
before
yours.
"
【美丽的献身】
2.
"The
true
meaning
of
courage
is
to
risk
everything
to
save
lives.
"
【勇敢救人】
3.
"A
life
saved
is
a
life
worth
living.
"
【医者仁心】
4.
"The
greatest
gift
one
can
give
is
the
gift
of
life.
"
【最伟大的馈赠】
5.
"Saving
one
life
is
like
saving
the
world.
"
【一命如掌】
6.
"Every
life
is
precious
and
deserves
a
chance
to
be
saved.
"
【珍爱每一条生命】
7.
"A
hero
is
someone
who
puts
their
life
on
the
line
to
save
others.
"
【英雄救美】
8.
"To
save
a
life
is
to
mend
a
broken
heart.
"
【拯救一命,重整心灵】
9.
"A
life
saved
is
a
debt
that
can
never
be
repaid.
"
【无以为报的救命之恩】
10.
"The
value
of
a
life
saved
is
immeasurable.
"
【拯救的生命,无法估值】
11.
"A
selfless
act
of
saving
a
life
is
the
ultimate
form
of
love.
"
【舍己救人,是爱的最高形式】
12.
"Saving
lives
is
not
just
a
job,
it's
a
calling.
"
【拯救生命不仅是工作,更是使命】
13.
"To
save
someone
from
drowning
is
to
be
a
lifesaver
in
the
truest
sense.
"
【挽救落水者,拯救生命意义深刻】
14.
"Sometimes
the
smallest
act
of
kindness
can
save
a
life.
"
【微小的善举,寄托宝贵的生命】
15.
"Saving
a
life
is
not
just
about
the
physical
rescue,
it's
about
being
a
light
in
the
darkness.
"
【救援不止是身体营救,也是黑暗中的搭梯】
16.
"Saving
a
life
may
be
a
momentous
task,
but
it's
always
worth
it.
"
【抢救一个生命虽然艰巨,但是值得一试】
17.
"The
ultimate
act
of
bravery
is
not
to
fear
death,
but
to
embrace
it
to
save
someone
else's
life.
"
【真正的勇气不是害怕死亡,而是为了救他人而勇往直前】
18.
"We
may
not
be
able
to
save
everyone,
but
that
should
not
stop
us
from
trying.
"
【或许不能挽救所有人,但努力尝试总是有益的】
19.
"To
save
someone's
life
is
to
leave
an
indelible
mark
on
the
world.
"
【拯救生命,留下历史印迹】
20.
"Saving
lives
is
not
about
being
a
hero,
it's
about
being
human.
"
【拯救生命不是英雄行为,而是做人本分】