1.
"Stepping
out
of
the
office,
but
always
in
our
hearts.
"
【#Farewell】
2.
"Goodbye
may
seem
forever,
but
memories
last
a
lifetime.
"
【#Memories】
3.
"The
hardest
part
of
saying
goodbye
is
the
uncertainty
of
when
you
will
see
each
other
again.
"
【#Uncertainty】
4.
"It's
not
just
the
work
we'll
miss,
it's
you,
our
dear
colleague.
"
【#MissYou】
5.
"We'll
miss
the
laughs,
the
teamwork,
and
everything
in
between.
"
【#Teamwork】
6.
"Your
time
with
us
may
have
been
short,
but
the
impact
you've
made
will
last.
"
【#Impact】
7.
"It's
not
the
end
of
the
road,
just
a
different
path
we'll
all
be
taking.
"
【#NewPath】
8.
"We
know
you'll
excel
wherever
life
takes
you
next.
"
【#Excel】
9.
"You've
been
an
asset
to
our
team,
and
we're
sad
to
see
you
go.
"
【#Asset】
10.
"Farewells
are
never
easy,
but
we're
grateful
for
the
time
we've
had
together.
"
【#Grateful】
11.
"We'll
always
remember
the
good
times
we've
shared.
"
【#GoodTimes】
12.
"Wherever
you
go,
whatever
you
do,
know
that
we're
rooting
for
you.
"
【#RootingForYou】
13.
"You're
leaving
big
shoes
to
fill,
but
we're
excited
for
the
challenge.
"
【#BigShoes】
14.
"It's
been
an
honor
working
with
you,
and
we'll
always
have
the
memories.
"
【#Honor】
15.
"You've
been
the
sunshine
in
our
office,
and
we'll
miss
your
warmth.
"
【#Sunshine】
16.
"Life
is
about
change,
and
we're
excited
to
see
what
the
future
holds
for
you.
"
【#Change】
17.
"It's
not
goodbye,
it's
see
you
later.
"
【#SeeYouLater】
18.
"Thank
you
for
the
hard
work,
dedication,
and
always
going
above
and
beyond.
"
【#GoingAboveAndBeyond】
19.
"The
end
of
one
chapter
is
always
the
beginning
of
another.
"
【#NewChapter】
20.
"We
wish
you
all
the
success
and
happiness
in
the
world.
"
【#Success】