.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
not
a
race,
it's
a
journey.
It's
okay
to
come
late
as
long
as
you
arrive
with
your
true
self.
"
【晚来并不要紧,重要的是带着真实的自己出现在爱的道路上。
】
2.
"When
it
comes
to
love,
timing
is
just
as
important
as
chemistry.
"
【在爱情中,时间和化学反应的重要性相当。
】
3.
"Being
patient
for
love
is
hard,
but
settling
for
less
than
you
deserve
is
even
harder.
"
【等待爱情需要耐心,但比你应得还要少的东西更难承受。
】
4.
"Love
may
come
late,
but
it's
worth
the
wait.
Don't
rush
what
could
be
the
best
thing
in
your
life.
"
【爱情或许会来得晚,但等待它是值得的。
不要匆忙对待那可能是你生命中最美好的事物。
】
5.
"Time
has
a
way
of
bringing
the
right
people
into
your
life,
even
if
it's
later
than
you
expected.
"
【时间总会以它的方式把正确的人送到你的生命中,即使比你预期的要晚。
】
6.
"Don't
worry
if
love
hasn't
found
you
yet,
it's
simply
saving
the
best
for
last.
"
【不要担心如果你还没找到爱,它只是在最后保留最好的给你。
】
7.
"True
love
can't
be
hurried,
it
takes
its
time
to
blossom
and
grow.
"
【真爱不能被匆忙,它需要花时间才能生长茁壮。
】
8.
"It's
never
too
late
to
find
love,
the
timing
may
just
be
perfect
for
you.
"
【找到爱永远不会太晚,时间也许只是对你完美而已。
】
9.
"Patience
is
the
key
to
a
love
that
lasts
a
lifetime.
"
【耐心是一份持久爱情的关键。
】
10.
"Sometimes
coming
late
to
love
means
you're
more
mature,
ready,
and
know
what
you
want.
"
【有时爱情来得晚意味着你更成熟、准备好了、知道自己想要的。
】
11.
"The
best
things
in
life
are
worth
waiting
for,
love
is
definitely
one
of
them.
"
【生命中最好的事物值得等待,爱情无疑是其中之一。
】
12.
"The
right
person
will
come
when
you
are
ready,
not
when
you
are
lonely.
"
【正确的人会在你准备好之后出现,而不是在你孤独的时候。
】
13.
"Love
is
not
a
race
to
be
won,
it's
a
journey
to
be
enjoyed.
"
【爱情不是竞争的结果,而是一段值得享受的旅程。
】
14.
"Good
things
come
to
those
who
wait,
great
love
comes
to
those
who
are
patient.
"
【好事情总会找到等待的人,伟大的爱情会来到那些有耐心的人身边。
】
15.
"Love
is
not
about
age,
but
it
is
about
timing.
It
will
come
when
it's
supposed
to.
"
【爱情与年龄无关,但与时机有关。
它会在应该出现的时候出现。
】
16.
"Don't
compare
your
love
journey
to
others,
your
path
is
unique
and
your
timing
is
different.
"
【不要把你的爱情道路与别人比较,你的道路是独特的,你的时机也不同。
】
17.
"Love
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
It's
not
about
arriving
first,
but
arriving
at
the
right
time.
"
【爱情是一段旅程,不是一个目的地。
它不是关于谁先到达,而是关于在正确的时间到达。
】
18.
"The
waiting
may
be
long,
but
the
love
that
follows
will
be
worth
it.
"
【等待可能很漫长,但随之而来的爱情将是值得的。
】
19.
"Sometimes
love
comes
when
you
least
expect
it,
and
that's
the
beauty
of
it.
"
【有时爱情会在你最不期望的时候出现,这就是它的美妙之处。
】
20.
"The
timing
of
love
may
be
out
of
your
control,
but
the
way
you
embrace
it
is
entirely
up
to
you.
"
【爱情的时机可能超出你的控制,但你接受它的方式完全取决于你自己。
】