.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
not
love
which
alters
when
it
alteration
finds.
"
-
William
Shakespeare
【爱情是不会因为改变而改变的。
】
2.
"To
be
brave
is
to
love
someone
unconditionally,
without
expecting
anything
in
return.
"
-
Margaret
Mitchell
【勇敢就是无条件的爱一个人,不求回报。
】
3.
"You
don't
love
someone
because
they're
perfect,
you
love
them
in
spite
of
the
fact
that
they're
not.
"
-
Jodi
Picoult
【你并不是因为他们完美而爱上他们,而是尽管他们不完美,你仍然爱他们。
】
4.
"Being
deeply
loved
by
someone
gives
you
strength,
while
loving
someone
deeply
gives
you
courage.
"
-
Lao
Tzu
【被某人深深地爱着会给你力量,而深深爱着某人会给你勇气。
】
5.
"Love
is
like
the
wind,
you
can't
see
it
but
you
can
feel
it.
"
-
Nicholas
Sparks
【爱情就像风一样,你看不见它,但你可以感受到它。
】
6.
"I
would
rather
spend
one
lifetime
with
you,
than
face
all
the
ages
of
this
world
alone.
"
-
J.
R.
R.
Tolkien
【我宁愿和你度过一生,也不想孤独面对这个世界的所有岁月。
】
7.
"Love
is
the
voice
under
all
silences,
the
hope
which
has
no
opposite
in
fear;
the
strength
so
strong
mere
force
is
feebleness:
the
truth
more
first
than
sun,
more
last
than
star.
"
-
E.
E.
Cummings
【爱是所有沉默下面的声音,是没有与恐惧相反的希望;是如此强大的力量,以至于单纯的力量是微不足道的;是比阳光更真实的真理,比星星更久远。
】
8.
"Love
is
an
untamed
force.
When
we
try
to
control
it,
it
destroys
us.
When
we
try
to
imprison
it,
it
enslaves
us.
When
we
try
to
understand
it,
it
leaves
us
feeling
lost
and
confused.
"
-
Paulo
Coelho
【爱是一种不受束缚的力量。
当我们试图控制它时,它会摧毁我们。
当我们试图囚禁它时,它会奴役我们。
当我们试图理解它时,它会让我们感到失落和困惑。
】
9.
"The
best
love
is
the
kind
that
awakens
the
soul
and
makes
us
reach
for
more,
that
plants
a
fire
in
our
hearts
and
brings
peace
to
our
minds.
"
-
Nicholas
Sparks
【最好的爱是那种唤醒灵魂并使我们追求更多的爱,那种在我们的心中植下火种并带来内心的宁静。
】
10.
"Love
is
the
flower
you've
got
to
let
grow.
"
-
John
Lennon
【爱情就像你必须让它自然生长的花朵。
】
11.
"Love
is
composed
of
a
single
soul
inhabiting
two
bodies.
"
-
Aristotle
【爱是由一个灵魂居住在两个身体中组成的。
】
12.
"Love
is
never
wrong.
"
-
Melissa
Etheridge
【爱情从来没有错。
】
13.
"Love
is
not
a
feeling
of
happiness.
Love
is
a
willingness
to
sacrifice.
"
-
Michael
Novak
【爱不是幸福的感觉。
爱是一种愿意牺牲的心态。
】
14.
"In
order
to
be
happy
oneself
it
is
necessary
to
make
at
least
one
other
person
happy.
"
-
Theodor
Reik
【为了自己的幸福,至少需要让其他一个人也快乐。
】
15.
"Love
is
an
act
of
endless
forgiveness,
a
tender
look
which
becomes
a
habit.
"
-
Peter
Ustinov
【爱是无尽的原谅,是一个温柔的眼神变成的习惯。
】
16.
"I
love
you
not
because
of
who
you
are,
but
because
of
who
am
when
am
with
you.
"
-
Elizabeth
Barrett
Browning
【我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是当我和你在一起时我是谁。
】
17.
"Love
looks
not
with
the
eyes,
but
with
the
mind,
and
therefore
is
winged
Cupid
painted
blind.
"
-
William
Shakespeare
【爱情不是用眼睛看的,而是用心看的,因此才有翅膀的丘比特被描绘成盲目的。
】
18.
"The
best
thing
to
hold
onto
in
life
is
each
other.
"
-
Audrey
Hepburn
【在生活中最好的事情是相互拥抱。
】
19.
"Love
is
like
a
friendship
caught
on
fire.
"
-
Bruce
Lee
【爱情就像一种燃烧的友谊。
】
20.
"Love
is
an
untiring
journey
of
two
hearts
that
wish
to
be
together
in
this
world
or
in
heaven
beyond.
"
-
V.
P.
Morrissey
【爱情是两颗希望在这个世界或天堂里永远在一起的心的不懈旅程。
】