.jpg)
1.
"Like
a
drop
of
water,
my
tears
fall
endlessly.
am
drowning
in
my
own
sadness.
"
【#waterdropphotosadness】
2.
"When
look
at
a
raindrop,
see
my
own
heart
–
broken
and
shattered.
"
【#raindropsymbolism】
3.
"Every
drop
of
water
represents
a
tear
I've
shed
for
you.
thought
the
pain
would
end,
but
it
just
keeps
coming.
"
【#tearsandwater】
4.
"I
am
like
a
water
droplet
falling
from
the
sky,
crashing
down
to
earth
with
so
much
weight
and
force.
"
【#heavyheart】
5.
"In
this
ocean
of
life,
am
just
a
drop
of
water
lost
in
the
sea
of
sadness.
"
【#oceanofheartbreak】
6.
"The
rain
is
a
reminder
that
even
the
sky
cannot
contain
its
tears.
"
【#rainydaythoughts】
7.
"Tears
are
like
drops
of
water
–
seeming
insignificant,
yet
carrying
so
much
weight
and
meaning.
"
【#meaningfuldrops】
8.
"I
am
but
a
single
droplet
in
the
waterfall
of
life,
crashing
down
and
being
swept
away
by
the
currents
of
fate.
"
【#waterfallsoflife】
9.
"The
sound
of
raindrops
hitting
the
pavement
is
like
the
beat
of
my
broken
heart.
"
【#saddrops】
10.
"I
thought
my
tears
would
be
like
a
river,
but
they
are
more
like
an
endless
stream
of
water
droplets.
"
【#endlesssadness】
11.
"A
tear
is
a
drop
of
water
–
a
small,
but
powerful
reminder
of
the
pain
and
sorrow
feel.
"
【#remindingtears】
12.
"Every
time
cry,
it's
like
a
storm
of
tears
is
brewing
within
me,
waiting
to
burst
forth
like
a
flood
of
water.
"
【#stormytears】
13.
"My
tears
fall
like
rain,
refreshing
the
earth
with
my
sadness.
"
【#sadnessrefreshed】
14.
"I
am
like
a
raindrop,
falling
from
the
sky,
yet
never
quite
reaching
the
ground.
"
【#neverlanding】
15.
"The
tears
shed
for
you
are
like
the
drops
of
water
in
the
ocean,
never
to
be
seen
or
heard
from
again.
"
【#tearsintheocean】
16.
"Life
is
like
a
stream
of
water
–
it
flows
and
changes,
sometimes
gentle
and
other
times
powerful.
"
【#lifeisawaterstream】
17.
"My
tears
fall
like
a
gentle
drizzle,
but
they
carry
the
weight
of
a
heavy
downpour.
"
【#gentledrizzeleffect】
18.
"My
heart
is
like
a
cup
of
water
–
full
to
the
brim
with
emotions
and
feelings
waiting
to
spill
over.
"
【#cupofemotions】
19.
"Like
a
droplet
of
water
clinging
to
a
leaf,
hold
on
to
hope
in
the
face
of
despair.
"
【#dropletofhope】
20.
"In
the
end,
all
had
were
my
tears
–
drops
of
water
that
collected
into
a
river
of
grief.
"
【#riverofgrief】