.jpg)
1.
"Mask
on,
worries
gone"
【#防疫必备】
2.
"Stay
home
and
be
a
hero,
not
a
zero"
【#居家生活】
3.
"Social
distancing
is
the
new
black"
【#社交规范】
4.
"Wash
your
hands
like
you
just
killed
a
chili
pepper"
【#健康生活】
5.
"Don't
be
a
hoarder,
be
a
giver"
【#共享精神】
6.
"Keep
calm
and
carry
sanitizer"
【#消毒防护】
7.
"In
the
time
of
Corona,
Netflix
is
the
new
cinema"
【#娱乐生活】
8.
"Face
masks
are
the
new
fashion
accessory"
【#时尚新选择】
9.
"Distance
makes
the
heart
grow
fonder
(and
healthier)"
【#爱情保健】
10.
"The
only
thing
we
should
be
spreading
is
kindness"
【#人性正义】
11.
"Stay
positive,
test
negative"
【#抗疫精神】
12.
"Quarantine:
when
leggings
become
pants
and
bras
become
optional"
【#居家自由】
13.
"The
virus
may
be
strong,
but
our
will
is
stronger"
【#战疫力量】
14.
"If
you
can
read
this,
thank
a
teacher;
If
you
can
read
this
while
social
distancing,
thank
a
scientist"
【#科学家伟力】
15.
"When
life
gives
you
lemons,
stock
up
on
Vitamin
C"
【#免疫健康】
16.
"Not
all
heroes
wear
capes,
but
they
do
wear
masks"
【#医务工作者】
17.
"Quarantine
is
the
perfect
excuse
to
not
wear
pants
on
conference
calls"
【#办公新风尚】
18.
"The
only
thing
we
should
be
spreading
is
awareness"
【#防疫宣传】
19.
"Keep
your
distance,
but
not
your
love"
【#远距离恋爱】
20.
"When
the
going
gets
tough,
the
tough
sanitize"
【#生活常识】