.jpg)
1.
"The
gentle
breeze
carried
with
it
the
scent
of
summer
flowers.
"
【宛如清风拂面】
2.
"She
smiled
at
him,
and
he
felt
his
heart
skip
a
beat.
"
【微笑如初恋】
3.
"The
sound
of
raindrops
tapping
against
the
window
was
a
soothing
lullaby.
"
【雨声莫过于心声】
4.
"His
touch
was
as
light
as
a
feather,
yet
it
left
a
lasting
impression
on
her
skin.
"
【轻触心魂相连】
5.
"The
sunrise
painted
the
sky
with
colors
of
pink,
orange,
and
gold.
"
【晨曦染红天空】
6.
"Her
eyes
sparkled
like
diamonds
in
the
moonlight.
"
【眼底星光闪耀】
7.
"The
book
was
filled
with
love
letters,
each
one
more
tender
than
the
last.
"
【情书如诗如画】
8.
"He
whispered
sweet
nothings
into
her
ear,
and
she
melted
into
his
embrace.
"
【耳畔情话温暖心】
9.
"The
sound
of
her
laughter
filled
the
room
like
music.
"
【笑声如歌般婉转】
10.
"The
sea
was
calm,
like
a
peaceful
slumber.
"
【海面如镜宁静恬淡】
11.
"Their
eyes
met
across
the
room,
and
time
stood
still.
"
【凝眸相望时光停】
12.
"She
hummed
a
tune,
and
the
melody
lingered
in
the
air
long
after
she
stopped.
"
【曲声如诉心情】
13.
"The
cherry
blossoms
were
in
full
bloom,
painting
the
park
with
shades
of
pink
and
white.
"
【樱花如雪柔情浓】
14.
"His
embrace
was
warm
and
tender,
like
a
blanket
on
a
cold
winter's
night.
"
【温情拥抱相依偎】
15.
"The
moonlit
path
led
them
through
a
forest
of
pine
trees,
the
scent
of
fresh
pine
filling
their
lungs.
"
【松林夜行月色清】
16.
"They
sat
on
the
beach,
watching
the
waves
wash
over
the
sand,
lost
in
each
other's
company.
"
【沙滩胜过瑶池】
17.
"The
smell
of
freshly
baked
bread
filled
the
house,
a
comforting
aroma
that
brought
back
memories.
"
【香气如梦似回忆】
18.
"He
held
her
hand,
and
they
walked
through
the
meadow,
the
grass
brushing
against
their
legs.
"
【牵手蹒跚走草原,芳草掩映爱在心】
19.
"The
colors
of
autumn
painted
the
trees
with
shades
of
red,
orange,
and
gold.
"
【秋叶点染满眼红】
20.
"She
closed
her
eyes,
and
he
kissed
her
forehead,
a
gesture
of
love
that
needed
no
words.
"
【轻吻浅笑爱不言】