.jpg)
1.
Standing
in
the
airport,
feel
a
sense
of
adventure
and
new
beginnings.
【出发的旅行总是充满了未知和探索的可能。
】
2.
The
whirring
of
the
planes
and
the
hustle
and
bustle
of
the
people
around
me
only
add
to
the
excitement
of
departure.
【机器的嗡嗡声和人流的喧嚣,让出发的脚步更加有力。
】
3.
Looking
out
at
the
runway,
am
filled
with
the
anticipation
of
taking
off,
of
soaring
through
the
clouds
toward
new
horizons.
【望着跑道,心中充满了期待,展翅闯天涯,追寻新的晨曦。
】
4.
It's
here
at
the
airport
where
we
are
reminded
that
the
world
is
vast
and
full
of
possibilities.
【机场,提醒我们世界之大,机遇之多。
】
5.
Watching
the
bags
roll
out
onto
the
conveyor
belt,
know
that
each
one
is
a
story
waiting
to
be
told.
【等待着行李出现,每一个包裹都隐藏着一个故事等待着被讲述。
】
6.
The
airport
is
a
place
where
dreams
take
flight,
where
we
can
leave
behind
the
old
and
embrace
the
new.
【机场,梦想扬帆起航,舍弃繁华迎接崭新的开始。
】
7.
As
pass
through
security,
am
reminded
that
safety
and
security
are
always
top
priorities
in
our
ever-changing
world.
【安检时,体悟到在不断变化的世界中安全与保障永远是最重要的。
】
8.
Airport
goodbyes
can
be
bittersweet,
but
they
also
make
the
reunions
all
the
more
joyful.
【机场的告别总是苦乐参半,但它也使得重逢更加珍贵而有滋有味。
】
9.
The
airport
is
a
hub
of
humanity,
a
place
where
cultures
collide
and
new
connections
are
made.
【机场,是人性的枢纽,是文化的碰撞,是崭新联系的孕育地。
】
10.
From
the
duty-free
shops
to
the
cafes
and
restaurants,
the
airport
offers
a
glimpse
into
the
many
facets
of
global
commerce
and
culture.
【从免税店到咖啡馆和餐厅,机场为我们呈现全球商业和文化的多重面貌。
】
11.
The
airport
is
a
stage
where
emotions
run
high,
where
we
can
witness
the
highs
and
lows
of
human
experience.
【机场是情感激荡的舞台,见证人类经验的高低起伏。
】
12.
There
is
something
magical
about
airports,
a
feeling
of
being
suspended
between
two
worlds,
of
being
on
the
cusp
of
change.
【机场有一种神奇的氛围,似乎悬挂在两个世界之间,即将迎来转变。
】
13.
The
airport
is
a
symbol
of
human
achievement,
of
our
ability
to
traverse
distances
and
connect
with
each
other
across
the
globe.
【机场是人类成就的象征,是我们横跨距离连接全球的能力的证明。
】
14.
The
sound
of
departing
planes
inspires
me
to
keep
moving
forward,
to
never
give
up
on
my
dreams.
【离开的飞机声激励我不断向前,坚定不移地追逐梦想。
】
15.
In
the
airport,
the
world
becomes
smaller
and
more
accessible,
the
barriers
that
divide
us
begin
to
crumble.
【在机场中,世界变得更小更可接近,我们之间的阻隔逐渐缩小。
】
16.
The
airport
reminds
us
that
we
are
all
citizens
of
the
world,
that
we
have
a
responsibility
to
protect
and
preserve
our
planet.
【机场提醒我们,我们都是世界公民,有责任保护和维护我们的星球。
】
17.
The
departure
board
is
a
testament
to
the
limitless
possibilities
of
travel,
the
endless
destinations
waiting
to
be
discovered.
【出发栏目板是旅行无限可能的证明,等待被发掘的无尽目的地。
】
18.
Regardless
of
where
we
are
headed,
the
airport
serves
as
a
reminder
that
we
are
all
connected,
that
we
are
all
part
of
a
larger
global
community.
【不管我们要去哪里,机场提醒我们,我们都是相互链接的,彼此之间是一片全球社群。
】
19.
In
the
airport,
we
are
forced
to
confront
the
difficult
but
necessary
reality
that
change
is
constant
and
inevitable.
【在机场,我们不得不面对难以接受但却是必须的现实,即改变是不断而不可避免的。
】
20.
As
board
my
plane,
feel
a
sense
of
gratitude
for
the
opportunity
to
explore
the
world
and
learn
more
about
myself
along
the
way.
【登机时,我感到无比感激,能有机会探索世界,同时也更好地了解自己。
】