.jpg)
1.
"In
the
depths
of
darkness,
beauty
can
still
be
found,
it
just
requires
a
different
kind
of
sight.
"
【黑暗中的美丽,需要另一种光芒照亮。
】
2.
"The
darkness
of
the
night
sky
is
like
a
canvas
for
the
stars,
creating
a
masterpiece
in
the
void.
"
【夜空黑暗如绸布,繁星点点,空无一物。
】
3.
"The
beauty
of
sorrow
is
that
it
makes
the
light
more
precious,
and
the
moments
more
meaningful.
"
【悲伤也有美丽之处,让光线与时光更珍贵,更有意义。
】
4.
"The
darkness
whispers
secrets
you
cannot
see,
but
you
can
feel
them
in
your
soul.
"
【黑暗低语,传递着看不见,但可以感受到的秘密。
】
5.
"The
velvety
dark
of
a
moonless
night
is
a
haunting
beauty,
a
reminder
of
the
ephemerality
of
all
things.
"
【没有月亮的夜晚,柔软的黑暗令人神往,提醒我们万物皆无常。
】
6.
"The
shadows
cast
by
the
sun
can
sometimes
be
more
beautiful
than
the
light
itself.
"
【阳光映射出的阴影有时比光线本身更加美丽。
】
7.
"The
darkest
moments
in
life
can
reveal
hidden
strengths
and
beauty
within
us.
"
【生命中最黑暗的时刻,能够展现我们内在隐藏的力量和美丽。
】
8.
"The
beauty
of
darkness
lies
in
its
ability
to
make
us
appreciate
the
warmth
of
the
light.
"
【黑暗中的美丽在于它让我们更加珍惜光明的温暖。
】
9.
"Sometimes
we
need
to
get
lost
in
darkness
to
appreciate
the
beauty
of
the
light.
"
【有时候我们需要在黑暗中迷失,才能更好地欣赏光明的美丽。
】
10.
"The
beauty
of
the
night
is
in
its
ability
to
transport
us
to
a
different
world,
where
anything
is
possible.
"
【夜晚的美丽在于它能将我们带往不同的世界,在那里一切皆有可能。
】
11.
"The
shadows
of
the
evening
are
not
to
be
feared,
but
rather
embraced
for
the
beauty
they
hold.
"
【傍晚的阴影不应该被害怕,相反,应该因其所具有的美而拥抱。
】
12.
"The
beauty
of
darkness
is
that
it
allows
us
to
see
things
in
a
different
way,
to
appreciate
the
world
from
a
new
perspective.
"
【黑暗的美在于它让我们以不同的方式看待事物,从新的视角欣赏世界。
】
13.
"The
beauty
of
the
night
is
the
quiet
stillness
it
brings,
a
chance
to
reflect
and
be
at
peace.
"
【夜晚的美在于它带来的宁静,给我们反省和休息的机会。
】
14.
"The
darkness
of
the
storm
clouds
can
be
terrifying,
but
their
beauty
cannot
be
denied.
"
【暴风云的黑暗可能令人恐惧,但它们的美仍无法抵制。
】
15.
"The
beauty
of
darkness
is
in
the
way
it
changes
and
transforms
everything
it
touches.
"
【黑暗的美在于它改变和转换它所接触的一切。
】
16.
"The
darkness
can
show
us
the
beauty
of
the
stars,
reminding
us
of
the
vastness
and
wonder
of
the
universe.
"
【黑暗可以展示给我们繁星点点的美丽,提醒我们宇宙的广袤和奇妙。
】
17.
"The
beauty
of
darkness
is
that
it
can
reveal
the
hidden
corners
of
our
souls.
"
【黑暗的美在于它揭示我们灵魂内的隐藏处。
】
18.
"The
shadows
of
the
trees
in
the
evening
light
create
an
enchanting
beauty
that
cannot
be
replicated.
"
【傍晚阳光下树木的阴影创造出一种令人迷醉的美丽,这种美丽是不可复制的。
】
19.
"The
beauty
of
the
night
is
that
it
gives
us
a
chance
to
dream,
to
imagine
a
different
kind
of
world.
"
【夜晚的美在于它给我们一个梦想的机会,想象出不同的世界。
】
20.
"The
darkness
at
the
edge
of
the
world
is
a
reminder
of
the
beauty
and
power
of
the
unknown.
"
【世界边缘的黑暗提醒我们未知的美和力量。
】