.jpg)
1.
"I
am
seeking,
am
striving,
am
in
it
with
all
my
heart.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
2.
"I
often
think
that
the
night
is
more
alive
and
more
richly
colored
than
the
day.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
3.
"I
am
not
an
adventurer
by
choice,
but
by
fate.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
4.
"It
is
not
the
language
of
painters
but
the
language
of
nature
which
one
should
listen
to.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
5.
"I
wish
they
would
only
take
me
as
am.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
6.
"I
dream
my
painting
and
paint
my
dream.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
7.
"Normality
is
a
paved
road:
It’s
comfortable
to
walk
but
no
flowers
grow.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
8.
"As
we
advance
in
life
it
becomes
more
and
more
difficult,
but
in
fighting
the
difficulties
the
inmost
strength
of
the
heart
is
developed.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
9.
"It
is
good
to
love
many
things,
for
therein
lies
the
true
strength,
and
whosoever
loves
much
performs
much,
and
can
accomplish
much,
and
what
is
done
in
love
is
well
done.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
10.
"I
want
to
touch
people
with
my
art.
want
them
to
say
‘he
feels
deeply,
he
feels
tenderly.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
11.
"I
put
my
heart
and
soul
into
my
work,
and
have
lost
my
mind
in
the
process.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
12.
"Great
things
are
done
by
a
series
of
small
things
brought
together.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
13.
"The
more
think
about
it,
the
more
realize
there
is
nothing
more
artistic
than
to
love
others.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
14.
"It’s
not
what
you
do,
but
how
you
do
it.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
15.
"I
experience
a
period
of
frightening
clarity
in
those
moments
when
nature
is
so
beautiful.
am
no
longer
sure
of
myself,
and
the
paintings
appear
as
in
a
dream.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
16.
"I
would
rather
die
of
passion
than
of
boredom.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
17.
"If
you
truly
love
Nature,
you
will
find
beauty
everywhere.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
18.
"I
would
rather
die
of
love
than
let
love
die.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
19.
"What
is
done
in
love
is
done
well.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
20.
"For
my
part,
know
nothing
with
any
certainty,
but
the
sight
of
the
stars
makes
me
dream.
"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】