.jpg)
1.
"Lucifer,
why
did
you
have
to
leave
me
in
darkness?
My
love
for
you
still
burns
as
bright
as
the
fires
of
hell.
"
【#Lucifer
#Heartache】
2.
"Azazel,
you
were
my
sin,
my
temptation,
my
downfall.
But
I'd
do
it
all
over
again
if
it
meant
feeling
your
touch
just
once
more.
"
【#Azazel
#Regret】
3.
"Asmodeus,
you
taught
me
the
true
meaning
of
pleasure.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
pain.
"
【#Asmodeus
#Sorrow】
4.
"Mephistopheles,
you
were
the
devil
in
disguise.
You
promised
me
the
world,
but
all
you
gave
me
was
emptiness.
"
【#Mephistopheles
#Deception】
5.
"Belphegor,
you
were
my
laziness,
my
lethargy,
my
apathy.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
have
no
excuse
for
my
shortcomings.
"
【#Belphegor
#Self-Reflection】
6.
"Satan,
you
were
my
master,
my
ruler,
my
god.
But
when
you
fell,
you
took
me
down
with
you.
"
【#Satan
#Despair】
7.
"Leviathan,
you
were
my
envy,
my
jealousy,
my
resentment.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
admiration.
"
【#Leviathan
#Contrition】
8.
"Beelzebub,
you
were
my
gluttony,
my
indulgence,
my
excess.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
hunger.
"
【#Beelzebub
#Longing】
9.
"Belial,
you
were
my
rebellion,
my
defiance,
my
insolence.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
conformity.
"
【#Belial
#Conformity】
10.
"Astaroth,
you
were
my
obsession,
my
compulsion,
my
addiction.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
withdrawal.
"
【#Astaroth
#Addiction】
11.
"Abaddon,
you
were
my
destruction,
my
annihilation,
my
ruination.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
regret.
"
【#Abaddon
#Remorse】
12.
"Mammon,
you
were
my
greed,
my
avarice,
my
covetousness.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
poverty.
"
【#Mammon
#Destitution】
13.
"Lilith,
you
were
my
temptation,
my
seduction,
my
corruption.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
purity.
"
【#Lilith
#Repentance】
14.
"Aamon,
you
were
my
lust,
my
desire,
my
passion.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
celibacy.
"
【#Aamon
#Abstinence】
15.
"Lucifuge
Rofocale,
you
were
my
pride,
my
arrogance,
my
haughtiness.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
humility.
"
【#LucifugeRofocale
#Humility】
16.
"Valefar,
you
were
my
mischief,
my
prankster,
my
jester.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
solemnity.
"
【#Valefar
#Seriousness】
17.
"Samael,
you
were
my
death,
my
mortality,
my
end.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
life.
"
【#Samael
#Gratitude】
18.
"Agares,
you
were
my
rebellion,
my
uprising,
my
revolt.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
obedience.
"
【#Agares
#Surrender】
19.
"Forneus,
you
were
my
wisdom,
my
knowledge,
my
perception.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
ignorance.
"
【#Forneus
#Ignorance】
20.
"Bifrons,
you
were
my
communication,
my
diplomacy,
my
negotiation.
But
now
that
you're
gone,
I'm
left
with
nothing
but
silence.
"
【#Bifrons
#Silence】