.jpg)
1.
"The
stars
may
be
small,
but
they
shine
bright
in
the
darkest
of
nights,
just
like
how
a
flicker
of
hope
can
dispel
the
darkness
in
our
hearts.
"
【星星是那么的渺小,但在最黑暗的夜晚它们闪耀着,就像一丝希望能驱散我们心中的黑暗。
】
2.
"The
sun
radiates
warmth
and
brightness,
while
the
stars
twinkle
serenely
in
the
deep
of
the
night,
together
creating
a
symphony
of
contrast.
"
【太阳散发出温暖和光辉,而星星在夜晚深处闪烁着平静的光芒,共同创造了一曲对比的交响乐。
】
3.
"Stars
are
like
the
little
miracles
that
light
up
the
sky,
reminding
us
that
there's
always
something
to
look
up
to.
"
【星星就像是点亮天空的小小奇迹,提醒我们,总有一些事情值得仰望。
】
4.
"The
sun
may
be
the
center
of
our
solar
system,
but
it's
the
stars
that
guide
us
home.
"
【太阳可能是我们太阳系的中心,但是是星星指引我们回家。
】
5.
"The
sun's
beauty
is
undeniable,
but
the
mesmerizing
dance
of
the
stars
across
the
sky
is
what
truly
takes
our
breath
away.
"
【太阳的美丽无可否认,但星星在天空中的令人迷醉的舞蹈才是真正令我们屏住呼吸的。
】
6.
"The
sun
is
a
symbol
of
vitality
and
energy,
while
the
stars
represent
the
infinite
possibilities
that
lie
beyond
our
reach.
"
【太阳是生命力和能量的象征,而星星则代表了超越我们视野的无限可能。
】
7.
"Stars
may
seem
insignificant
on
their
own,
but
together
they
form
constellations
that
tell
stories
of
love,
bravery,
and
adventure.
"
【单独看起来星星或许微不足道,但它们共同形成了星座,讲述着关于爱、勇气和冒险的故事。
】
8.
"The
sun
gives
us
light
and
warmth,
but
the
stars
give
us
wonder
and
awe,
igniting
our
imagination
and
curiosity.
"
【太阳给我们光和热,而星星给我们惊叹和敬畏,激发我们的想象力和好奇心。
】
9.
"The
sun
rises
every
day,
but
it's
the
magical
appearance
of
a
shooting
star
that
makes
us
believe
in
miracles.
"
【太阳每天升起,但一个流星的神奇出现让我们相信奇迹的存在。
】
10.
"The
sun
sets
in
the
west,
while
the
stars
rise
in
the
east,
reminding
us
that
every
ending
is
a
new
beginning.
"
【太阳在西方落下,星星在东方升起,提醒我们每个结束也是新的开始。
】
11.
"The
sun
is
a
beacon
of
hope,
but
it's
the
stars
that
guide
us
through
the
darkness.
"
【太阳是一束希望的灯塔,但星星指引我们穿过黑暗。
】
12.
"The
sun
is
constant
and
reliable,
while
the
stars
are
fleeting
and
unpredictable,
yet
both
hold
their
own
kind
of
magic.
"
【太阳持续而可靠,星星则短暂而难以预知,但两者都有其独特的魔力。
】
13.
"The
sun's
rays
touch
every
corner
of
the
earth,
but
it's
in
the
vast
expanse
of
the
night
sky
where
we
feel
the
most
alive.
"
【太阳的光芒照亮地球的每一个角落,但在广阔的夜空中我们感到最有生命力。
】
14.
"The
sun
brings
warmth
to
our
bodies,
but
it's
the
stars
that
bring
warmth
to
our
souls.
"
【太阳为我们的身体带来温暖,但星星为我们的灵魂带来温馨。
】
15.
"The
sun
may
have
a
fiery
temper,
but
the
stars
burn
with
a
gentle
grace
that
soothes
the
soul.
"
【太阳也许有狂热的脾气,但星星以温柔与优雅的方式闪耀,它们舒缓着我们的灵魂。
】
16.
"The
sun
lights
up
the
world
we
see,
but
it's
the
stars
that
light
up
the
hidden
corners
of
our
hearts.
"
【太阳照亮我们所看到的世界,但星星点亮我们内心深处的隐藏角落。
】
17.
"The
sun's
heat
fades
away,
but
the
stars
shine
on
eternally,
reminding
us
that
love
and
beauty
can
endure.
"
【太阳的热度会逐渐消失,但星星永远闪耀,提醒我们爱与美可以持续不断。
】
18.
"The
sun
may
be
the
brightest
object
in
the
sky,
but
it's
the
stars
that
ignite
our
passion
and
creativity.
"
【太阳或许是天空中最亮的物体,但星星点燃了我们的激情和创造力。
】
19.
"The
sun
warms
us
during
the
day,
but
it's
the
stars
that
keep
us
company
during
the
long,
quiet
nights.
"
【太阳在白天给我们带来温暖,但在漫长寂静的夜晚中,星星陪伴我们。
】
20.
"The
sun
and
the
stars
are
celestial
giants,
each
with
their
own
unique
qualities
that
make
them
equally
captivating
and
inspiring.
"
【太阳和星星都是天上的巨人,每个都有自己独特的特质,使他们同样迷人和鼓舞人心。
】