.jpg)
1.
"It
is
a
truth
universally
acknowledged,
that
a
single
man
in
possession
of
a
good
fortune,
must
be
in
want
of
a
wife.
"
-
Pride
and
Prejudice
by
Jane
Austen】
这句经典的开头句描述了人们对于富有单身男子的普遍看法,凸显了小说中的主题:婚姻。
2.
"It
was
the
best
of
times,
it
was
the
worst
of
times.
"
-
Tale
of
Two
Cities
by
Charles
Dickens】
这句话巧妙地展现了小说中复杂的时代背景,引发读者对社会变迁的思考。
3.
"All
happy
families
are
alike;
each
unhappy
family
is
unhappy
in
its
own
way.
"
-
Anna
Karenina
by
Leo
Tolstoy】
这句话表达了家庭幸福和不幸之间的差异,暗示了小说中角色之间复杂的关系。
4.
"In
our
village,
folks
say
God
crumbles
up
the
old
moon
into
stars.
"
-
One
Hundred
Years
of
Solitude
by
Gabriel
Garcia
Marquez】
这句诗意的句子描绘了一个神秘的乡村传说,充满了神奇的想象力。
5.
"It
is
not
in
the
stars
to
hold
our
destiny
but
in
ourselves.
"
-
Julius
Caesar
by
William
Shakespeare】
这句名言告诉读者,我们的命运不应依赖于外部力量,而是由我们自己掌握。
6.
"It
does
not
do
to
dwell
on
dreams
and
forget
to
live.
"
-
Harry
Potter
and
the
Sorcerer's
Stone
by
J.
K.
Rowling】
这句话提醒读者珍惜现实生活,不要沉迷于梦想而忽略了当下。
7.
"The
only
way
out
of
the
labyrinth
of
suffering
is
to
forgive.
"
-
Looking
for
Alaska
by
John
Green】
这句话强调宽恕是摆脱苦难的唯一道路,给予读者希望和启示。
8.
"I've
learned
that
people
will
forget
what
you
said,
people
will
forget
what
you
did,
but
people
will
never
forget
how
you
made
them
feel.
"
-
Know
Why
the
Caged
Bird
Sings
by
Maya
Angelou】
这句名言表达了对人际关系和情感的深刻洞察,告诉读者给予别人积极的情感体验是永远难以被忘记的。
9.
"Don't
cry
because
it's
over,
smile
because
it
happened.
"
-
Dr.
Seuss】
这句话鼓励读者积极面对人生中的转变,以微笑来庆祝曾经的美好。
10.
"It
is
never
too
late
to
be
what
you
might
have
been.
"
-
George
Eliot】
这句名言传达了对人生的无限可能性的信念,给予读者勇气和希望。
11.
"The
journey
of
a
thousand
miles
begins
with
a
single
step.
"
-
Lao
Tzu】
这句古老的谚语告诉人们迎接挑战需要从小事做起,启发读者追求目标的积极行动。
12.
"A
person
who
has
good
thoughts
cannot
ever
be
ugly.
"
-
The
Twits
by
Roald
Dahl】
这句简单而深刻的话语揭示了内在美的重要性,鼓励人们始终保持积极的思维态度。
13.
"Life
appears
to
me
too
short
to
be
spent
in
nursing
animosity
or
registering
wrongs.
"
-
Jane
Eyre
by
Charlotte
Brontë】
这句名言表达了宽容和放下仇恨的重要性,给予读者反思和改变的动力。
14.
"The
only
thing
necessary
for
the
triumph
of
evil
is
for
good
men
to
do
nothing.
"
-
Edmund
Burke】
这句经典的名言强调了不积极抵抗邪恶会导致其获得胜利,鼓励读者勇立潮头。
15.
"We
do
not
need
magic
to
transform
our
world.
We
carry
all
the
power
we
need
inside
ourselves
already.
"
-
Harry
Potter
and
the
Chamber
of
Secrets
by
J.
K.
Rowling】
这句话告诉读者,改变世界所需的力量不需要仰赖魔法,而是蕴藏于我们自身。
16.
"There
is
no
greater
agony
than
bearing
an
untold
story
inside
you.
"
-
Know
Why
the
Caged
Bird
Sings
by
Maya
Angelou】
这句话表达了内心深处不诉说故事带来的痛苦,唤起读者对于表达自我的思考。
17.
"All
the
world's
a
stage,
and
all
the
men
and
women
merely
players.
"
-
As
You
Like
It
by
William
Shakespeare】
这句著名的台词比喻了人生如戏,人们都是角色,引发读者对生命的思考和权衡。
18.
"It
is
a
tale
told
by
an
idiot,
full
of
sound
and
fury,
signifying
nothing.
"
-
Macbeth
by
William
Shakespeare】
这句话揭示了剧中人物对于生命的消极看法,启示读者寻求更深层次的意义。
19.
"The
best
and
most
beautiful
things
in
the
world
cannot
be
seen
or
even
touched
-
they
must
be
felt
with
the
heart.
"
-
Helen
Keller】
这句名言表达了对于真正美好的事物无法通过肉眼或触摸来感知,唯有用心灵感受。
20.
"Life
isn't
about
finding
yourself.
Life
is
about
creating
yourself.
"
-
George
Bernard
Shaw】
这句名言强调人生不是寻找自我,而是塑造自我的过程,给予读者独立思考和自我发展的启示。