1.
爱情如同一种毒药,既治愈身心,也让人疯狂【Love
is
like
a
poison,
curing
both
body
and
soul,
yet
driving
one
insane.
】
2.
毒药并非不能拯救,爱情亦是如此【Poison
can
also
save,
so
can
love.
】
3.
爱情并不是完美的疗愈剂,它亦会伤及人心【Love
is
not
a
perfect
cure,
it
also
harms
the
heart.
】
4.
毒药与爱情相似,必须谨慎使用【Poison
and
love
are
alike,
and
must
be
used
with
caution.
】
5.
爱情是心灵的缪斯,但毒药同样唤醒人类的黑暗【Love
is
the
muse
of
the
soul,
but
poison
awakens
the
darkness
in
man.
】
6.
毒药的作用在于看待问题的角度,爱情也是如此【The
effect
of
poison
lies
in
the
perspective,
so
does
love.
】
7.
爱情的魔力或者说其毒性,取决于人的自我掌控能力【The
magic
or
toxicity
of
love
depends
on
one's
self-control.
】
8.
坠入爱河就像喝下一杯毒药,但从此再也不可自拔【Falling
in
love
is
like
drinking
poison,
from
which
one
cannot
escape.
】
9.
爱情的甜蜜与毒性像是两个不可分割的部分【The
sweetness
and
toxicity
of
love
are
inseparable.
】
10.
爱情总是眉来眼去,其毒性却难以被人察觉【Love
flirts
with
the
eyes,
but
its
toxicity
is
hard
to
notice.
】
11.
爱情既是心理学家提出的治愈方法,也是中毒的源头【Love
is
both
a
therapist's
remedy
and
a
source
of
addiction.
】
12.
爱情是双刃剑,既能赐予无与伦比的力量,也能带来致命的毒药【Love
is
a
double-edged
sword,
granting
unparalleled
strength
and
bringing
deadly
poison.
】
13.
毒药是反常的治疗方法,爱情亦如此【Poison
is
an
abnormal
remedy,
so
is
love.
】
14.
爱情是心理戏剧的主角,而毒药则是黑暗戏剧中的恶棍【Love
is
the
protagonist
of
psychological
drama,
while
poison
is
the
villain
in
the
dark
play.
】
15.
爱情让你痴迷,毒药将你宰杀,哪个更加可怕呢【Love
makes
you
crazy,
poison
kills
you,
which
is
more
terrifying?】
16.
爱情的满足与毒性的侵蚀是相互依存的【The
satisfaction
of
love
and
the
invasion
of
poison
depend
on
each
other.
】
17.
毒药的危险在于未知,爱情的危险在于过度熟悉【The
danger
of
poison
lies
in
the
unknown,
while
the
danger
of
love
lies
in
over-familiarity.
】
18.
爱情与毒药,哪一个更能唤醒人类的本性呢【Which
one,
love
or
poison,
awakens
the
human
nature
more?】
19.
爱情是人类的精神长城,而毒药则是其殿后之剑【Love
is
the
Great
Wall
of
the
human
spirit,
and
poison
is
the
sharp
sword
behind.
】
20.
爱情的毒性如同生命的一部分,我们应该学会接受并掌控它【The
toxicity
of
love
is
part
of
life,
and
we
should
learn
to
accept
and
control
it.
】