.jpg)
1.
"Because
sometimes
love
is
just
not
enough.
"
【分手】
2.
"We
both
deserve
to
find
the
happiness
we're
looking
for.
"
【结束了】
3.
"It's
time
for
us
to
let
go
and
move
on.
"
【放手】
4.
"Our
paths
have
diverged,
and
it's
time
for
us
to
walk
our
separate
ways.
"
【别离】
5.
"We've
reached
a
point
where
staying
together
would
only
cause
more
pain.
"
【断开联系】
6.
"As
much
as
it
hurts,
it's
for
the
best
that
we
part
ways.
"
【结束了】
7.
"It's
better
to
walk
away
from
something
that
no
longer
serves
us,
than
to
hold
on
and
suffer.
"
【迈步前行】
8.
"Sometimes
things
just
don't
work
out,
and
that's
okay.
"
【放手】
9.
"I
will
always
cherish
the
memories
we
shared,
but
it's
time
to
say
goodbye.
"
【告别】
10.
"We
both
deserve
love
and
happiness,
even
if
it
means
not
being
together.
"
【分开】
11.
"It's
time
to
release
each
other
from
the
burden
of
an
unhappy
relationship.
"
【放手】
12.
"The
pain
of
staying
together
is
greater
than
the
pain
of
letting
go.
"
【结束了】
13.
"We've
both
grown
in
different
directions,
and
it's
time
to
acknowledge
that
and
move
on.
"
【分手】
14.
"The
love
we
had
for
each
other
will
not
fade
away,
but
it's
time
to
accept
that
we're
better
off
apart.
"
【告别】
15.
"As
much
as
it
hurts,
sometimes
love
just
isn't
enough
to
overcome
our
differences.
"
【放手】
16.
"It's
better
to
say
goodbye
now
than
to
continue
to
hurt
each
other
and
prolong
the
inevitable.
"
【结束了】
17.
"We
had
something
special,
but
it's
time
to
accept
that
it's
over.
"
【别离】
18.
"We
both
deserve
to
find
someone
who
loves
and
understands
us
fully.
"
【分手】
19.
"Thank
you
for
the
memories,
but
it's
time
for
us
to
say
goodbye.
"
【告别】
20.
"We'll
always
have
love
for
each
other,
but
it's
time
to
move
on
separately.
"
【放手】