.jpg)
1.
Happiness
is
not
something
ready
made.
It
comes
from
your
actions.
【#PositiveVibes】
2.
Life
is
10%
what
happens
to
you
and
90%
how
you
react
to
it.
【#MindsetMatters】
3.
The
right
attitude
can
turn
a
negative
situation
into
a
positive
one.
【#AttitudeIsEverything】
4.
If
you
want
to
be
happy,
you
have
to
be
happy
on
purpose.
When
you
wake
up,
you
can't
just
wait
to
see
what
kind
of
day
you'll
have.
You
have
to
decide
what
kind
of
day
you'll
have.
【#ChooseHappiness】
5.
People
who
laugh
more
are
happier
and
live
longer.
【#LaughterIsTheBestMedicine】
6.
Gratitude
is
the
key
to
unlocking
a
happiness
that
cannot
be
taken
away.
【#GratefulHeart】
7.
Take
time
to
do
what
makes
your
soul
happy.
【#SelfCare】
8.
True
happiness
is
not
attained
through
self-gratification,
but
through
fidelity
to
a
worthy
purpose.
【#PurposeDrivenLife】
9.
The
secret
of
happiness
is
not
in
doing
what
one
likes,
but
in
liking
what
one
does.
【#LoveWhatYouDo】
10.
The
pursuit
of
happiness
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
【#EnjoyTheJourney】
11.
Happiness
is
not
a
destination,
it's
a
journey.
Happiness
is
not
tomorrow,
it
is
now.
Happiness
is
not
a
dependency,
it
is
a
decision.
Happiness
is
what
you
are,
not
what
you
have.
【#HappinessIsAChoice】
12.
The
happiest
people
in
the
world
are
not
those
who
have
no
problems,
but
those
who
learn
to
live
with
things
that
are
less
than
perfect.
【#Optimism】
13.
smile
is
the
happiness
you'll
find
right
under
your
nose.
【#SmileMore】
14.
If
you
want
others
to
be
happy,
practice
compassion.
If
you
want
to
be
happy,
practice
compassion.
【#SpreadLove】
15.
Happiness
is
not
having
what
you
want.
It
is
wanting
what
you
have.
【#CountYourBlessings】
16.
Happiness
is
a
warm
puppy.
【#DogLover】
17.
The
happiest
moments
of
my
life
have
been
the
few
which
have
passed
at
home
in
the
bosom
of
my
family.
【#FamilyFirst】
18.
The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
If
you
haven't
found
it
yet,
keep
looking.
Don't
settle.
As
with
all
matters
of
the
heart,
you'll
know
when
you
find
it.
【#PassionForWork】
19.
The
first
recipe
for
happiness
is
to
avoid
too
lengthy
meditations
on
the
past.
【#LetGoOfThePast】
20.
Happiness
is
not
about
getting
what
you
want
all
the
time.
It's
about
loving
what
you
have
and
being
grateful
for
it.
【#GratitudeAttitude】