.jpg)
1.
Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
a
commitment
【爱不只是一种感觉,而是一种承诺。
】
2.
Love
is
not
about
possession,
it's
about
appreciation
【爱不是占有,而是欣赏。
】
3.
Love
is
not
blind,
it
just
sees
the
beauty
in
everything
【爱并不盲目,它只是在万物中寻找美丽。
】
4.
Love
is
not
about
finding
someone
to
complete
you,
it's
about
finding
someone
who
accepts
you
completely
【爱不是为了找一个能与你相互补足的人,而是找一个能完全接受你的人。
】
5.
Love
is
not
just
about
butterflies
in
your
stomach,
it's
about
creating
a
home
in
someone's
heart
【爱不只是让你心潮澎湃,而是在别人的心里找到一个温馨的归宿。
】
6.
Love
isn't
just
an
emotion,
it's
a
verb
that
requires
action
【爱不仅仅是一种情感,也是一种需要行动的动词。
】
7.
Love
is
not
about
changing
someone,
it's
about
loving
them
for
who
they
are
【爱不是为了改变他人,而是接受他们的本来面貌。
】
8.
Love
is
not
just
a
fairytale,
it's
a
choice
you
make
every
day
【爱不只是童话故事,而是每天都做出的选择。
】
9.
Love
is
not
just
about
passion,
it's
also
about
patience
【爱不只是热情,也需要耐心。
】
10.
Love
isn't
just
about
saying
"I
love
you",
it's
about
showing
it
【爱不仅是说“我爱你”,也需要付诸行动。
】
11.
Love
is
not
about
perfection,
it's
about
accepting
imperfections
【爱不是为了追求完美,而是接受不完美。
】
12.
Love
is
not
just
a
feeling
of
happiness,
it's
also
a
feeling
of
pain
【爱不只是快乐,也包含疼痛。
】
13.
Love
is
not
about
finding
a
perfect
person,
it's
about
finding
someone
who
loves
you
perfectly
【爱不是为了找到一个完美的人,而是找到一个完美爱你的人。
】
14.
Love
isn't
just
about
romance,
it's
also
about
friendship
【爱不仅仅是浪漫,也是友情。
】
15.
Love
is
not
about
what
you
say,
it's
about
what
you
do
【爱不是说得好听,而是做得好看。
】
16.
Love
is
not
just
about
receiving,
it's
about
giving
【爱不只是接受,也是付出。
】
17.
Love
is
not
just
about
the
good
times,
it's
about
getting
through
the
tough
times
together
【爱不只是经历美好时光,也是共同度过艰难时刻。
】
18.
Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
a
journey
that
takes
work
and
commitment
【爱不只是一种情感,更是需要努力和承诺的旅程。
】
19.
Love
is
not
just
about
happiness,
it's
also
about
growth
【爱不仅是快乐,也是成长。
】
20.
Love
is
not
about
finding
someone
to
complete
you,
it's
about
finding
someone
who
inspires
you
to
become
a
better
person
【爱不是找一个能向你补足你的人,而是找一个能激励你成为更好自己的人。
】