.jpg)
1.
"Sometimes
the
most
beautiful
and
magical
creatures
are
the
most
fragile
and
vulnerable.
"
【#VulnerableBeauties】
2.
"Even
a
beast
can
be
tamed
by
love,
but
only
if
the
heart
is
pure.
"
【#PurityOfLove】
3.
"The
tears
of
a
unicorn
are
the
purest
form
of
sorrow.
"
【#PurestSorrow】
4.
"Those
who
are
different
are
often
the
most
wonderful.
Embrace
your
uniqueness
and
let
it
shine.
"
【#EmbraceYourUniqueness】
5.
"The
beauty
of
a
mythical
creature
lies
not
only
in
its
form,
but
in
its
heart.
"
【#BeautyOfTheHeart】
6.
"The
pain
of
loss
can
be
so
great
it
feels
as
if
a
piece
of
your
soul
is
missing
forever.
"
【#SoulfulLoss】
7.
"The
magic
of
a
creature
is
not
in
its
ability
to
fly
or
leap,
but
in
its
ability
to
love
and
be
loved.
"
【#MagicOfLove】
8.
"Legend
says
that
those
who
are
pure
of
heart
can
hear
the
whispers
of
the
unicorns
in
their
dreams.
"
【#WhispersOfTheUnicorns】
9.
"May
the
light
of
the
phoenix
guide
you
through
the
darkest
of
times.
"
【#GuidingLight】
10.
"The
sorrow
of
a
mermaid
is
the
weight
of
the
ocean
that
she
carries
within
her
heart.
"
【#WeightOfSorrow】
11.
"The
greatest
magic
of
all
is
the
power
of
love
to
heal
and
transform.
"
【#PowerOfLove】
12.
"The
wind
whispers
secrets
of
the
past,
present,
and
future
to
the
wise.
"
【#WhispersOfWisdom】
13.
"In
times
of
great
need,
the
dragon
will
rise
to
protect
those
who
are
worthy.
"
【#RiseOfTheDragon】
14.
"A
unicorn's
horn
is
said
to
have
healing
powers,
as
pure
as
its
heart.
"
【#HealingPowers】
15.
"The
bond
between
a
fairy
and
her
dragon
is
stronger
than
steel,
and
more
magical
than
anything
in
this
world.
"
【#MagicalBond】
16.
"The
wings
of
an
angel
are
not
just
for
flight,
but
for
protection
and
comfort.
"
【#WingsOfProtection】
17.
"The
moon's
reflection
on
the
water
is
a
reminder
of
the
beauty
and
mystery
of
life.
"
【#BeautyAndMystery】
18.
"The
majesty
of
a
griffin
is
unmatched,
a
symbol
of
strength
and
resilience.
"
【#SymbolOfStrength】
19.
"The
phoenix
may
rise
from
the
ashes,
but
the
scars
remain
–
a
reminder
of
the
trials
and
tribulations
that
have
been
overcome.
"
【#RiseFromAshes】
20.
"In
the
darkness
of
the
night,
the
stars
shine
brighter
than
ever
before,
guiding
us
through
the
unknown.
"
【#GuidingStars】