.jpg)
1.
"Sometimes,
in
order
to
gain
something
truly
beautiful,
we
must
be
willing
to
let
go
of
what
is
comfortable
and
familiar.
"
【思考】
2.
"Letting
go
is
not
a
sign
of
weakness,
but
rather
a
demonstration
of
strength
and
courage.
"
【坚强】
3.
"The
toughest
decision
we
can
make
is
to
sacrifice
what
we
have
for
what
we
can
become.
"
【勇敢】
4.
"The
art
of
letting
go
is
learning
how
to
loosen
our
grip
on
the
things
that
were
never
meant
to
stay.
"
【自由】
5.
"In
order
to
move
forward,
sometimes
we
must
first
leave
something
behind.
"
【前行】
6.
"Growth
comes
from
letting
go
of
the
past
and
embracing
the
possibilities
of
the
future.
"
【发展】
7.
"Learning
to
let
go
is
a
journey
of
self-discovery
and
self-care.
"
【自我发现】
8.
"The
only
way
to
make
room
for
new
opportunities
is
to
release
our
tight
hold
on
the
old
ones.
"
【机遇】
9.
"True
beauty
is
found
in
the
moments
when
we
let
go
of
what
we
cannot
control
and
focus
on
what
we
can.
"
【美丽】
10.
"The
art
of
releasing
is
a
gentle
practice
that
requires
patience,
understanding,
and
forgiveness.
"
【温柔】
11.
"Letting
go
allows
us
to
step
into
the
unknown,
where
we
can
discover
what
truly
brings
us
joy
and
fulfillment.
"
【喜悦】
12.
"We
must
learn
to
let
go
of
the
things
that
no
longer
serve
us
in
order
to
make
room
for
what
does.
"
【舍弃】
13.
"Focusing
on
the
present
moment
and
letting
go
of
worries
about
the
past
or
future
can
bring
us
inner
peace.
"
【平静】
14.
"The
universe
has
a
way
of
taking
away
that
which
no
longer
resonates
with
our
highest
good.
"
【宇宙】
15.
"Sometimes,
the
only
way
to
find
ourselves
is
by
losing
everything
we
thought
we
were.
"
【自我认识】
16.
"We
must
let
go
of
our
attachment
to
certain
outcomes
in
order
to
fully
embrace
the
journey
of
life.
"
【心态】
17.
"Change
is
inevitable,
but
growth
is
optional.
We
must
choose
to
let
go
of
the
old
in
order
to
welcome
the
new.
"
【变革】
18.
"Letting
go
is
not
about
forgetting,
but
rather
about
forgiving
and
remembering
with
love.
"
【宽恕】
19.
"To
let
go
does
not
mean
to
get
rid
of.
It
means
to
let
be,
to
allow
some
room
for
another
person's
state
of
being.
"
【宽容】
20.
"It
is
only
when
we
embrace
the
unknown
and
take
risks
that
we
can
experience
the
true
beauty
of
life.
"
【生命之美】