1.
Why
do
we
always
search
for
happiness
outside
of
ourselves?
【思考人生】
2.
Why
do
we
fear
failure
when
it's
often
our
greatest
teacher?
【学会从失败中成长】
3.
Why
do
we
give
up
on
our
dreams
so
easily
when
they're
what
ignite
our
souls?
【追逐梦想】
4.
Why
do
we
judge
others
when
we
should
be
embracing
their
differences?
【接受多样性】
5.
Why
do
we
blame
others
for
our
own
mistakes
instead
of
taking
responsibility?
【做一个负责任的人】
6.
Why
do
we
value
material
possessions
over
meaningful
experiences?
【价值体验而非物质】
7.
Why
do
we
hold
onto
grudges
when
forgiveness
can
set
us
free?
【放下怨恨】
8.
Why
do
we
worry
about
the
future
when
we
can
only
live
in
the
present
moment?
【活在当下】
9.
Why
do
we
forget
to
be
grateful
for
what
we
have
instead
of
always
wanting
more?
【懂得感恩】
10.
Why
do
we
seek
validation
from
others
when
we
should
trust
in
ourselves?
【坚定自信】
11.
Why
do
we
settle
for
mediocrity
when
greatness
lies
within
our
reach?
【追求卓越】
12.
Why
do
we
let
fear
hold
us
back
from
taking
risks
and
pursuing
our
passions?
【勇敢追求】
13.
Why
do
we
give
up
on
love
when
it's
what
connects
us
all?
【相信爱】
14.
Why
do
we
focus
on
our
differences
when
we
should
unite
with
our
similarities?
【共同点汇聚】
15.
Why
do
we
define
success
by
societal
standards
instead
of
our
own
values?
【树立自己的标准】
16.
Why
do
we
forget
to
take
care
of
ourselves
when
it's
the
foundation
for
a
fulfilling
life?
【关注身心健康】
17.
Why
do
we
neglect
those
we
love
when
they
should
be
our
top
priority?
【珍惜亲情友情】
18.
Why
do
we
keep
our
thoughts
and
feelings
bottled
up
instead
of
expressing
them
authentically?
【坦诚表达】
19.
Why
do
we
compare
ourselves
to
others
when
we're
each
on
our
own
unique
journey?
【不与他人比较】
20.
Why
do
we
forget
that
we're
all
interconnected
and
our
actions
affect
the
world
around
us?
【担当社会责任】