.jpg)
1.
"I
promise
to
love
you
through
the
good
times
and
the
bad,
and
to
always
be
your
support
system.
"
【发誓爱你无论是好时还是坏时,永远做你的支持系统。
】
2.
"I
vow
to
be
faithful,
honest,
and
committed
to
our
relationship,
always
prioritizing
our
love
above
all
else.
"
【我发誓要忠诚、诚实、敬业于我们的关系,永远把我们的爱放在第一位。
】
3.
"In
sickness
and
in
health,
for
richer
or
for
poorer,
promise
to
stand
by
your
side
and
face
any
challenge
together.
"
【无论生死健康、贫穷富有,我发誓站在你的身边,共同面对挑战。
】
4.
"I
promise
to
communicate
openly,
listen
with
an
open
heart,
and
respect
your
feelings
and
opinions.
"
【我发誓坦诚沟通,用开放的心态倾听,尊重你的感受和意见。
】
5.
"I
pledge
to
keep
the
flame
of
our
love
burning
bright,
always
finding
ways
to
keep
the
romance
alive.
"
【我承诺保持我们爱情的火焰熊熊燃烧,不断寻找保持浪漫的方法。
】
6.
"With
you,
promise
to
make
every
day
an
adventure
and
create
memories
that
will
last
a
lifetime.
"
【我发誓和你共同打造每一天的冒险,创造一生难忘的回忆。
】
7.
"I
vow
to
be
understanding,
patient,
and
forgiving,
knowing
that
no
one
is
perfect
and
we
all
make
mistakes.
"
【我发誓理解、耐心、宽容,知道没有人是完美的,我们都会犯错。
】
8.
"I
promise
to
choose
love
and
kindness
in
all
situations,
even
when
it
may
be
difficult
or
challenging.
"
【我发誓在所有情况下选择爱与善良,即使可能困难或具有挑战性。
】
9.
"I
pledge
to
grow
and
evolve
alongside
you,
supporting
each
other
in
our
personal
and
professional
pursuits.
"
【我承诺与你一起成长和进步,在个人和职业追求中相互支持。
】
10.
"With
you,
promise
to
create
a
home
filled
with
love,
laughter,
and
happiness,
where
we
can
build
a
life
together.
"
【我发誓和你一起创造一个充满爱、笑声和幸福的家,我们可以一起建立一个生活。
】
11.
"I
vow
to
cherish
and
appreciate
every
moment
we
spend
together,
never
taking
our
time
together
for
granted.
"
【我发誓珍惜和欣赏我们在一起的每一刻,永远不把我们在一起度过的时间视为理所当然。
】
12.
"I
promise
to
be
spontaneous
and
adventurous,
always
willing
to
try
new
things
and
explore
the
world
with
you.
"
【我发誓要做到随机应变和冒险,始终愿意尝试新事物,并与你一起探索世界。
】
13.
"Together,
vow
to
create
a
relationship
built
on
trust,
respect,
and
mutual
understanding,
where
we
can
both
be
our
true
selves.
"
【我发誓,我们要一起建立一个以信任、尊重和相互理解为基础的关系,在那里我们都可以做真正的自己。
】
14.
"I
promise
to
always
recognize
and
appreciate
the
incredible
person
that
you
are,
and
to
remind
you
of
your
worth
every
day.
"
【我发誓永远认识和欣赏你所是的不可思议的人,并在每天提醒你你的价值。
】
15.
"I
pledge
to
be
your
partner
in
life,
your
best
friend,
and
your
biggest
cheerleader,
always
supporting
and
encouraging
you.
"
【我承诺成为你生命中的伴侣、最好的朋友和最大的啦啦队长,始终支持和鼓励你。
】
16.
"With
you,
promise
to
create
a
love
story
that
is
timeless
and
unforgettable,
one
that
will
inspire
generations
to
come.
"
【我发誓和你一起创造一个永恒而难忘的爱情故事,它将激励一代又一代人。
】
17.
"I
vow
to
be
your
rock,
your
safe
haven,
and
your
constant
source
of
love
and
support.
"
【我发誓成为你的支柱、避风港和你不断的爱和支持源泉。
】
18.
"I
promise
to
never
give
up
on
you
or
our
love,
always
fighting
for
us
and
our
future
together.
"
【我发誓永远不放弃你和我们的爱情,始终为我们和我们的未来奋斗。
】
19.
"Together,
pledge
to
build
a
relationship
grounded
in
honesty,
integrity,
and
sincerity,
one
that
will
stand
the
test
of
time.
"
【我承诺一起建立以诚实、高尚的品德和真诚为基础的关系,这将经得起时间的考验。
】
20.
"I
promise
to
be
your
partner
in
all
things,
your
confidant,
and
your
equal,
always
treating
you
with
the
love
and
respect
you
deserve.
"
【我发誓成为你所有事情上的伴侣,你的知己和你的平等者,始终以你应得的爱和尊重对待你。
】