.jpg)
1.
"I
promise
to
love
and
cherish
you,
through
thick
and
thin.
"
【承诺】
2.
"My
love
for
you
will
never
waver,
even
in
the
toughest
of
times.
"
【坚定】
3.
"I
vow
to
always
support
and
encourage
you
in
all
your
endeavors.
"
【支持】
4.
"You
are
my
forever,
and
promise
to
be
true
to
you
always.
"
【真诚】
5.
"I
will
be
your
rock,
your
safe
haven,
and
your
home.
"
【依靠】
6.
"I
promise
to
always
keep
the
love
we
share
alive
and
burning
bright.
"
【维持】
7.
"Through
the
ups
and
downs
of
life,
my
love
for
you
will
remain
steadfast.
"
【稳定】
8.
"I
promise
to
be
your
confidante,
your
best
friend,
and
your
soul
mate.
"
【知己】
9.
"My
heart
beats
for
you
alone,
and
it
always
will.
"
【专一】
10.
"With
all
my
heart,
promise
to
honor,
cherish,
and
love
you
forever.
"
【珍惜】
11.
"I
will
always
be
honest
with
you,
and
never
betray
your
trust.
"
【诚信】
12.
"To
you,
give
my
heart
and
my
whole
being,
for
eternity.
"
【无限】
13.
"I
pledge
my
undying
love
to
you,
with
every
breath
take.
"
【永恒】
14.
"With
you
by
my
side,
can
face
any
challenge
that
life
throws
at
us.
"
【相伴】
15.
"I
vow
to
make
every
moment
we
spend
together
count,
and
fill
it
with
love.
"
【充实】
16.
"My
love
for
you
grows
deeper
with
each
passing
day,
and
will
continue
to
do
so.
"
【深沉】
17.
"You
are
my
soul
mate,
my
partner
in
life,
and
pledge
to
always
love
and
cherish
you.
"
【灵魂伴侣】
18.
"I
promise
to
always
be
there
for
you
when
you
need
me,
and
to
never
let
you
down.
"
【陪伴】
19.
"My
love
for
you
will
never
fade,
and
will
only
grow
stronger
as
time
goes
on.
"
【成长】
20.
"With
you,
have
found
my
home,
my
happiness,
and
my
forever.
"
【归属】