1.
The
most
important
thing
is
not
to
be
afraid
of
failure.
最重要的是不怕失败。
2.
If
you
want
to
go
fast,
go
alone.
如果你想要走得快,独自前行。
3.
The
path
to
success
is
not
clear.
成功的道路并不清晰。
4.
Start
where
you
are.
就地开始。
5.
Yesterday
is
history.
今天
is
a
new
day.
Yesterday's
success
is
not
a
guarantee
of
tomorrow's
success.
今天的成功不能保证明天的成功。
6.
Don't
focus
on
the
future,
focus
on
the
present.
不在于未来,而在于现在。
7.
Learning
is
like
a
gardener's
work.
学习就像园丁的工作。
8.
never
give
up,
even
when
you're
defeated.
永不放弃,即使失败。
9.
The
best
way
to
learn
is
to
teach.
学习的最好方式是教学。
10.
believe
in
yourself,
and
you'll
be
successful.
相信自己,就会成功。
11.
success
is
not
a
destination,
but
a
journey.
成功不是终点,而是旅程。
12.
start
from
where
you
are,
and
work
your
way
up.
从你现在的地方开始,逐步提升。
13.
never
let
the
past阻碍
you.
不要让过去阻碍你。
14.
success
is
a
matter
of
perspective.
成功取决于视角。
15.
always
keep
learning,
and
never
stop
trying.
永远不断学习,永不停止尝试。
16.
The
world
is
waiting
for
you,
so
don't
wait.
世界正在等待你,所以不要等待。
17.
You
can't
judge
a
book
by
its
cover.
人不可貌相。
18.
success
is
not
a
final
goal,
but
a
never-ending
process.
成功不是一个终点,而是一个不断的过程。
19.
be
yourself,
and
everyone
will
respect
you.
做自己,每个人都会尊重你。
20.
start
small,
and
work
your
way
up.
从小开始,逐步提升。