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1.
The
pitter-patter
of
raindrops
is
music
to
my
ears.
【雨声如音乐】
2.
The
grey
sky
above
me
is
a
canvas
waiting
to
be
painted.
【灰色的天空像一张等待着被描绘的画布】
3.
Rainy
days
are
the
perfect
excuse
to
stay
in
and
cuddle
up
with
a
good
book.
【下雨天是最好的借口,呆在家里读一本好书】
4.
The
raindrops
wash
away
the
troubles
of
my
day,
leaving
me
feeling
refreshed.
【雨滴洗去了一天的烦恼,让我感到重新焕发了精神】
5.
There's
something
magical
about
the
way
the
rain
makes
everything
seem
fresh
and
new.
【雨水总会给一切带来新鲜感和魔力】
6.
The
symphony
of
the
rain
hitting
the
roof
is
a
calming
lullaby.
【雨声敲击着屋顶的交响乐像一首让人心平气和的摇篮曲】
7.
love
the
smell
of
rain
in
the
air
-
it's
the
scent
of
pure
freshness.
【我喜欢空气中淡淡的雨水气息,是一股纯净的清新味道】
8.
Rainy
days
remind
me
of
cozy
Sunday
mornings
spent
in
bed.
【下雨天总是让我想到舒适惬意的周日早晨在床上度过】
9.
The
rain
makes
the
world
seem
softer,
gentler,
and
more
beautiful.
【雨水让世界变得更柔和,更温柔,更美丽】
10.
love
watching
the
raindrops
dance
on
the
windowpane.
It's
like
a
private
concert
just
for
me.
【我喜欢看雨滴在窗户上跳舞,那就像一场只为我演唱的私人音乐会】
11.
The
rain
is
a
reminder
that
beautiful
things
can
still
happen
on
gloomy
days.
【雨水是提醒我们,即使在阴郁的日子里也仍有美好的事情发生】
12.
Rainy
days
make
me
want
to
curl
up
with
a
hot
drink
and
good
company.
【下雨天总是让我想翻到一杯热饮和好朋友相伴】
13.
The
raindrops
are
like
nature's
tears,
washing
away
the
pain
and
sorrow.
【雨滴像是大自然的眼泪,冲刷着我们的痛苦与悲伤】
14.
The
rain
is
a
cleansing
force,
washing
away
the
old
and
making
room
for
the
new.
【雨水是一种净化的力量,冲刷去旧的让新的有空间】
15.
Raindrops
on
a
green
leaf
are
like
jewels,
shining
and
glistening
in
the
sun.
【绿叶上的雨滴像是宝石,在阳光下闪烁着光芒】
16.
The
rain
brings
a
sense
of
renewal,
as
if
everything
is
starting
over
fresh.
【雨水带来一种重生的感觉,好像一切都会重新开始】
17.
love
the
way
the
rain
sounds
on
a
tin
roof
-
it's
a
lullaby
of
comfort.
【我喜欢雨水在铁皮屋顶上发出的声音,那是一首温馨的摇篮曲】
18.
The
rain
is
a
natural
perfume,
filling
the
air
with
its
sweet
scent.
【雨水是一种天然的香水,用它的甜蜜味充满了空气】
19.
On
rainy
days,
always
feel
a
sense
of
peacefulness
and
tranquility.
【在下雨天,我总是感到一种宁静和平静的感觉】
20.
There's
nothing
more
comforting
on
a
rainy
day
than
a
warm
blanket
and
a
cup
of
hot
cocoa.
【在下雨天,没有什么比一条温暖的毯子和一杯热可可更让人舒服的了】